1. It’s only a gateway drug because the sketchy dealer may offer you other drugs things you would never encounter unless you were constantly getting bud from a dealer
    I doubt a dispensary is gonna text me one night saying I got some fire ass molly

  2. that guy that says will kids take weed into schools is full shit … weed would still not be illegal in public building the same as cigarettes ,but hold on .. at one point they did have smoking areas at  schools ,you should fire that guy for being stupid …lol  and as for the workers being on weed . what is he stupid as well . you have the choice to fire them .. if you feel the drug effects the job  safety.. you can require drug free when you hire people for a job …then you can legally fire them if you make that choice …

  3. I'm sick and tired of hearing marijuana is a gateway drug all we hear is that marijuana is bad even in school the teachers tell us it's bad and not to smoke it once you try it it's not that bad then you might think if marijuana is not bad then you try the other harder drugs which are really bad

  4. Man fuck that guy, if kids want to get there hands on pot they will figure out a ways. People need to stop being so close minded and ignorant. Alcohol ruins peoples lives, and families and i am speaking from experience. Legalizing is the only choice that makes sense i do not understand how in the federal governments eyes its worse than alcohol. Maybe its time to get some new people in office, maybe younger people who didnt live through prohibition lol . IDIOTS!

  5. Yeah, well just like you're not supposed to drink on the job, because it impairs your ability to do your work properly… If the person who is high on cannabis is unable to do their job because they're too high, then they need to be treated like someone who has been drinking on the job. It's really THAT simple. As for the worry about kids getting a hold of this medicine, it's not like they don't already have access to it on the black market. BUT, if recreational IS passed, they can put a law in saying you have to be 18 or 21 and older to smoke. Just like with cigarettes and alcohol, but Mary Jane is actually MUCH safer than cigarettes and alcohol.

  6. Let’s get this right pot is not a gate way drug nor does it make u lazy for work. I smoke weed all day every day I go to work and I do my job. For those who can’t fallow simple instructions at work that’s just because your a lazy piece of crap and dumb so don’t blame ur stupidity on weed. What makes it ok to go home and drink a beer and not a joint same thing.

  7. These people are just plane stupid that are opposed to it. Do it that same way as alcohol. Legalize it, tax it, and make more money and create more jobs than you can imagine.

  8. I'm so sick of hearing that cannabis is a gate way drug! Alcohol and tabacoo are the biggest most dangerous gate way drug hands down but I can go buy that almost anywhere in every state in the U.S.

  9. Fuck the government don't you all fucks see that weed isn't as bad as alcohol or cigarettes and you guys put more trust in alcohol and cigarettes you guys are just the sheep you guys just say what the government tells you look up shit before you say shit about it you dumb fucks and it can't lead to other drugs but that's the person's choice not Marijuana I swear you guys are all dumb as fuck open your fucking eyes America!

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