Businesses in CBD hopeful things will pick up as people return to offices

The hungry horde that once appeared during lunch in the Central Business District was missing on Jan 3, even as more workers …


  1. People in sg have to be optimistic as whether covid or not, you are born towards cremation or grave. When u safety measures taken and if had covid, the choice is either you die or recover. And if you are religiously fanatic, either u go to heaven or hell, and if u are Buddhist, either u become Buddha or recyclement. If you do not subscribe to religions, either u die or live when COVID virus looks for u. Whatever it is, you have no genuine lose 😆

  2. If the stall cannot made profit, I rather let them closed down, reason is simple, with thin crowd, how much can they sell and made profit?? 🤔 🤔 😂 😂 Not enough to cover manpower cost, not to say rental.. Stupidity then wait and wait unless you have rich ahgong Cut your losses. Else accumulate outstanding rent cost utimately also cannot pay and lead to bankrupt. Especially when govt subsidy stop, volume return not fast and big enough 😂 😂 they are not like Changi?? 😂 😂 Got rich ahgong pump money into to buy time into 2024?? 🤔 🤔 Observe Observe Observe??

  3. Most people in office jobs will only return to work today (Tuesday, Jan 4th). It's kinda obvious that the CBD would have been empty on Jan 3rd. Hopefully, the food places will get a lot more business today.

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