CBD Oil For Pain Relief // Bodyweight VACATION LEG DAY

More info on CBD oil mentioned in this video: Online Coaching with me – info …


  1. After I watched this vid I decided this would be worth a try to help with my chronic tendinitis, anxiety and acne. Only 2 weeks into taking it I am already feeling happy with the results! Thank you for cluing me into this awesome product!

  2. My first workout since having surgery/being sick. I thought it would be "easy" when I listened to the intro as well haha! Brutal bodyweight workout, but great for getting back into things 🙂 The sweat was real!

  3. I am dead! I did this entire workout with 1.5kg ankle weights on both legs and used my 10kg kettle bell for the sumo squats and Bulgarians. So tough! Btw how many cals do this burn?

  4. Excellent workout, as usual, my dear! And I'm sooooo with you on the cardio…..I kept saying to myself "Why is this so hard for me? I used to crush some HIT cardio!", but truthfully I love the way I look now as much as I did doing long, intense cardio sessions and I sure as heck don't really miss them. 🙂

  5. I disagree that the nastiest part is the bulgarian lunge, I think the whole work-out is nasty! (in a good way). But I do agree that your decision was a good trade off. Thanks for helping me and people like me to fight against their disordered mentality about fitness and health.

  6. this was very intense. i loved it. and for the haters who say you take too many breaks, can they do this workout while talking? doubt it. And for me you take breaks right when i need it…. not too many at all

  7. Loved this added weight to a few exercises for the first and second round with slightly lower reps then did body weight with full reps for burn out last round and I'm dying! Great workout! 💕💕

  8. Great workout! I used weights and resistance bands to get those legs burning more, but I am sure it was a killer workout even without any equipment.

  9. Great workout! I couldn’t finish it was so hard

    Also side note: please don’t use the word “retarded” to describe something as ridiculous (I know you apologized but just please don’t do it again I beg you)

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