Eating CBD Edibles from BLOOM.EXPRESS | Bounce

Join Caitlin, Jay and Natty for some honest & legal CBD taste testing! All products are from #CBD #Bounce …


  1. Exceptional show, Natty is once again a great show person, takes control and does the show superbly, Jay is a scaredy boy, and needs to get a life, go out and try things, Kaitlin needs to relax a bit, itโ€™s weed, only a herb, What a brilliant entertaining show, keep them coming Natty and team, Sorry Queen Natty Sir Jay, and princess Kaitlin or is it princess Jay

  2. 3:19 – around this point, Natty's probably thinking "NOW he tells us…". ๐Ÿ˜ 4:35 – I've NEVER seen a container of milk that big in Thailand, OR around here. Gallon jugs are common in the US, of course.. that looks like the huge bottles soy sauce for restaurant kitchens come in. 8:46 – Happy Jelly??? ๐Ÿ˜‚ Er, it sounds like, uh, well, never mind..

  3. What flavor is the purple one?
    Yellow mango, green apple, red strawberry….
    I clicked the link, went to the website and there is the answer ๐Ÿ™‚ Grapes!!

    As a gift, nice.
    To eat as regular candy…
    Not cheap at all! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. So Jay doesn't like choccie ice cream?……. Oh, wow! I've always enjoyed chocolate ice cream in Thailand, a lovely cool choc-ice which you have to eat before it melts in all that lovely heat…….. delicious!

  5. Speaking of mixing flavors and ice cream I picked up some ice cream that is coconut,mango, and habanero flavored. Habanero is a very hot pepper here in the USA and the ice cream is really good A-Roy mak! Love trying new flavors. Sometimes they suck and sometimes they are great but youโ€™ll never know until you try!!

  6. Natty loves her popcorn. ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ™ Funny vlog. It's time to get Jay a new NFL jersey. Mix the cereal with some Lucky Charms๐Ÿคช๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ™ Natty, Kaitlyn, and Jay are too funny. Don't bring those samples to the Supwr Bowl party Jay!!!

  7. You guys are funny. After 15 years of taking opiods for back pain, (legally) I stopped taking them and now use CBD oil daily. It helps with the inflamation of my back whereas the opiods didn't do anything for the problem, just covered up the pain and made me stoned.

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