Erythrophobia, Skin Flushing & CBD Oil

We’re broaching the topic of CBD oil when it comes to skin flushing. CBD oil has proven anti-inflammatory properties. This is …


  1. I really want to try the CBD oil because recently I've been really anxious which makes me blush more. I think I need to by one and try it out.

  2. Interesting video. I actually purchased a bottle of CBD oil recently but I’ve not tried it yet. I’m a bit apprehensive but I will give it a go & share any feedback. I’m keen to hear more on the ETS. I’ve looked into surgery, the side effects also put me off but I’m not ruling it out. It would be a very last resort if I ever did consider it. I’m looking forward to hearing more on this topic! Joanna

  3. Hay April, once again I'm loving the content.

    CBD ! Yes I have used it, I used it from May 2019 until December 2019.
    I have to say I found it really great , my only problem with it was that I felt I was becoming reliant on it and when I realized that I decided to cut back and then eventually it ran out and I never got another bottle.
    I would definitely recommend it but I'd say to people just watch your useage , its not cheap either..

    For people who dont know me, I was taking it because I wanted to see would it help stop my face going red and I can say 100% yes it did but it cant be the answer long term, IMO.

    The way it worked for me was .. ,
    I would always think about my face going red before I'd walk into any room or just when I meet someone, could be anyone.
    When I took the CBD I found my mind wasnt having these thoughts about blushing, obviously its because I was more relaxed after taking the CBD

    Ohh the surgery, iv read lots on it and tbh the side effects put me off, constantly sweating and even though the redness would be gone you would still feel the sensation, that put me off it.

    Talk soon my dear friend 😁
    Keep up the good work !!

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