Hemp compounds could help block coronavirus, OSU study finds

The study analyzed a range of botanical compounds to see how well they would bind to the spike protein on SARS-CoV-2.


  1. I hate how they qre saying….slow down pothead it's hemp not weed. Same thing….same fucking thing. Both are cannabis sativa. Sciences does not differentiate between the two. One just has more of the good stuff.

  2. Digesting the plant will yield the nutrients and will not activate the psychoactive effects, but burning the plant destroys the nutrients and activates the psychoactive effects…

    i cannot link the research article here (its on sciencedirect website) but all parts of the plant have these acids in varying amounts with higher concentrations found in the leaves and flower…

    with that being said, i have been taking manitoba harvest hemp protein for a long time now and it has all essential amino acids the human body needs and you need no other source of protein…

    I never feel malnourished and i have not been sick in years…

  3. This story deserved to be handled by an adult. it took this idiot over 30 seconds to even start the story and then she changed perfectly understandable wording from medical professionals like she could not grasp those very basic concepts or thought her audience was all as stupid as her!

  4. Wow. Great journalism…. She really helps get the point across by perpetuating stereotypes about cannabis smokers while at the same time talking to the audience like they're a bunch of teens at a high school pep rally. It's this kind of moronic journalism that is just plain dangerous.

  5. Wow great job mocking the findings that a natural substance can help us fight this disease. This chick is awful! Will be SURE to not watch any more clips with her in them. 🙄☹️

  6. This woman is a absolute fvcking idiot and is trying hard to make the rest of America as stupid as she is.
    Good news about cannabis but why does she have to act so fvcking stupid about it? Is she fvcking high?

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