Hemp: The Misunderstood Sustainable Fabric

Legalization is sweeping the nation, and hemp is making news for its medicinal properties and the billions of dollars flowing into …


  1. Literally the most healing and sustainable plant on earth that can cure everything including cancer, purify the air and soil of the most deadliest toxins, make everything from gasoline to the finest clothing and can replace some of the most pollutive industries on earth with a completely safe crop that grows in less than 3 months with the use of no chemicals. Did i mention the leaves of the cannabis plant are edible and very healing for all humans and animals. Cannabis is literally the human companion plant. The government knew all of this and did everything their rotten sociopathic system could to outlaw and demonize this plant because they knew cannabis is the key to freedom, wealth, prosperity, and abundance for mankind and all life on earth. This should tell you something about what these politicians are doing to humanity and how important it is to wake up and remove these parasites from power immediately.

  2. Fuck yeah 👍 I know all this about hemp, but every time I get into some debate about hemp/cannabis, I watch/read some more about it and every time it's so ridiculous that it's taking so long for society to recognise the value of the plant.

  3. I have the best land in Costa Rica for this industry, either for sale, to rent or to develop projects with you, several of these are located in the blue zone of the planet, they have the best water and climate in the world. Here they legalized cane or cbd a few days ago that is why I am offering these services. I also have my neighbors and fellow farmers from other areas interested. In this country you can cultivate all year round regardless of the season, that is something very important that almost I forget.996

  4. This is everyones way out of poverty.. Its up to everyone as a whole to admit it and agree, facts are facts and id like to be wearing more clothes made at home perhaps my city all from a plant

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