I Became A Knight For 24 Hours!

This episode is brought to you by Krush Organics: Once a year / January 2022 / Boxing Day mega sale …


  1. I'm a minute into this Am I Wrong are you am I smelling a sellout should I spend my hard earned money on it does it work butts man I'm sceptical I want to believe you anyway back to the program. Are you getting free stuff?

  2. It would be great to see you with Shadiversity 😀 his dad jokes and your moronic-jokes would complimet each other just perfectly (and by moronic I mean it in the most respectfull and loving way)

  3. Isaac here's a tip about armor…it can be very light and flexible…but it has to be custom made to your body specifications…only then Will it be comfortable n easy to move in…you can do anything in armor if it is tailored to your body…but it also depends on how fit n strong you r because it can take a toll on you

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