1. We, Kentuckians, did the right thing and finally got rid of Bevin. This imbecile actually talked about not legalizing marijuana because of all those deaths related to this plant. Meanwhile, his statement was totally and unequivocally false! Basically just an out right lie. There is and never has been any person who has died or overdosed from the use of marijuana. So we got rid of Bevin, who obviously does not have a clue about marijuana and replaced him with Mr. Beshear who is in favor of legalizing marijuana. He stated that he would like to explore medical marijuana as an alternative to addicting opioids that are currently destroying some Kentuckians lives. Know first hand the affects, finally have a governor that is not just using his position for power, but using it to improve the lives and health of all Kentuckians. Legalize marijuana Kentucky and stop putting people in jail for enjoying smoking a harmless plant.

  2. Good. Marijuana is awful and an absolute waste of time. The schizophrenia and DUI rates aside, the amount of children that are getting caught at school with Marijuana is highly disturbing. To the person who said Republicans do not govern properly, answer me this. Why are all the murder rate leaders and poorest counties ran by Democrats? Marijuana will do little to fix the biggest problems which is an inflation in single parent families which has been shown to make children up to 75% more likely to commit crimes, and illegal immigration. As someone whose family became citizens the legal way it is annoying to watch people who are not even legal vote in our elections and suck up tax payer resources.

  3. You have a poor state and need the revenue right now as you can't pay for your pensions in your state, and republicans do not know how to govern properly. Look and see if big-pharma has given any monies to Bevin's political group…that's your answer to no pot, people that use pot don't need as many pharmaceuticals. Israel and England use pot in their nursing homes for chronic pain. Repubs are too busy making "right-to-work" rules for you guys right about now…get a clue people.

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