1. It's not legal in Amsterdam…but it's tolerated. I think if it can help sick people….use it! I enjoy an occasional joint at home….I don't care what others do, but it should at least be tolerated for adults.

  2. @NirvanaZeppelin80 If you would quit the weed, after some time your brain would normalize and you might be able to get some enlightenment, and for instance, you would probably come to see it is best not to liberally use profanities. I am in the USA, where at least half the popultion is the unruly mob, barely able to think beyond immediate aquisition of pleasures, and who pretend to see no wrong in voting only for those who throw them scraps. Nirvanna&LedZeppelin? How disappointing.

  3. @NirvanaZeppelin80 the mob is not right, just because they are the mob. Do you really want to live in a mobocracy, I mean, really? When in history has a mobocracy turned out well? Taliban Afghanistan? Cannibal culture in PNG? Aztec and Mayan human sacrifice cultures? Tribal culture in Eastern India? Things turn out best when the mob is surpressed in favor of the most rational and productive members of society. The USA is a republic, not a democracy, as the founders understood the mob.

  4. @stett99 there is no evidence at all that "compassion" is engrained in human dna. One only discredits oneself when one asserts unproven claims to be "truths". "truth" has no meaning unless it is supported with evidence and unless the hypothesis of the truth is presented in a falsifiable form (See Sir Karl Popper on falsifiability). We few rationalists are aware of your type, and we are working hard to educate the lot of you out of your unreasonableness and tendency to rationalization.

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