1. I just quit a few days ago and I realized last night I was talking to my friend similar to how she’s talking to Jimmy. Your mind really ramps up in speed and it takes a bit to get used to again. Each time I noticed how much I was dominating the conversation I felt a little bad but I couldn’t help it

  2. It's so sad how celebrities just abuse their bodies and don't care about their health. Shows that they don't really love themselves and need God's love. We all do!!!. So…. we all need His awesome non-judgmental love. Yep.

  3. u ppl r so naive confusing poking fun at herself to excuse her behavior with being honest and open about her misdeeds.
    blaming on cannabis to improve image and boost cd sales, how petty.
    i dont do premeditated stupid shit like this when im stoned, nor i constantly take pix of myself peeing on places.

  4. A T break is always good for heavy users of weed, I'll take a few weeks off every now and then for some clarity and for that amazing high after the break

  5. smoking is bas for health and stupid to do and for information you can die from weed what she say its wrong and can help go faster schizophrĂ©nie and for singer this destroy voice like she as a deaper voice but not the same as before … and no smoking equal less stress less loosing memories and stop destroying teeth and skin and lungs

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