MY BIRTH STORY (part 2) // what I wanted vs what actually happened

This is part two so go check out part one before watching: Finally after three months, I’m getting up …


  1. Thank you for sharing, today is my due date although seems like baby is in no rush. In any case, I feel that stories like yours really help other women to feel less alone and be more prepared for delivery that doesn't go according to plan. You did amazing and congratulations 😊💕

  2. Woman you are a warrior! With my first I made it 30 hours into labor without pain meds, then when they broke my water and spiked my pitocin, it was beyond anything any human can take. Like being ripped in half. The pitocin contractions are no joke, that's why its so much harder to go without an epidural when we are induced. You're a warrior.

  3. Girl, I don’t blame you one bit for needing to process that. Just the emotional trauma from being in that much pain for that long- regardless of the outcome- is something to recover from. So sorry that…. Basically nothing?? Went to plan. That’s what I gathered from this. I feel like we all expect one or two things to go amiss, but yours was literally one thing after another.

    Do you think you’ll go back to the same hospital for your next baby??

  4. Thank you for this, you spoke so many truths! Everyone is different and every story is different and hard and beautiful. For me, I also got an induction at 38 weeks, because I had gestational hypertension. Which meant that I had to have my baby in the hospital instead of at home, which was what I wanted. In my hospital, if you have an induction they break your waters and start oxytocin right away, so I only had to labour for about 9 hours. It was pretty intense, especially on my back, but I got to be in the bathtub and scream through it… After all of that time I was starting to get ready to push, but immedately as I started to push, her heart rate dropped dramatically (similar to you I guess). So they told me to lie on my side and not push, which was impossible for me at this point (it is like telling someone not to sneeze). After an hour of that, the doctor decided that the contractions alone were not going to get her any further, so they allowed me to push as they checked the position of the baby with a pelvic exam and an ultrasound at the same time. After 10 min of me pushing and them checking, they said that the baby was quite far up still but it needed to come out now. So they said that they were going to try to take her out with the vacuum cup, but if it didn't work out we were going for a C-section (they gave me the 10min that they take to prepare the OR to try and push the baby out). At this point I was terrified to have a c-section after all the pain of labour, and because I did not have an epidural, they would have put me under general anaesthesia. So in my mind I was so determined to push with all my being, and it worked, 5 min later she was born. I pushed for less than 20 min in total. And she was perfect and crying. I got an episiotomy and lost a lot of blood, so I had to stay in the hospital for another day (in The Netherlands normally let you go home after 2-4h if everything is ok). And as you said, she is perfect and I am grateful that we are both ok, but there are a lot of things that I have had to work through and accept about my birth story, which is not how I wanted it to be…. And as a bonus, my little beautiful girl is named Alex 🙂

  5. Aw Alex, thank you for sharing your honest depiction of your birth experience. I hope you have found it helpful to process everything that happened. I’m a mum of 3 (soon to be 4) and a midwife, so I can really relate to everything you shared- and wanted to say that all of your feelings are so so valid. I’m loving all of your pregnancy and new motherhood content- it’s so raw and relatable. Congratulations again on beautiful Sage! X

  6. Wow you went through so much! You are honestly so strong 🙂 Thank God it all ended well! Just wanted to encourage and say that first births might be hard, but don't let that trauma scare you off to not to have other kids.. my last deliveries were the easiest, (naturally) .. I recently had my 4th, and prayed for a fearless birth , and praise God my prayer was answered!

  7. I am about 36 weeks pregnant and wanted to thank you for sharing your experience. It shows me to hold my hopes for labor and delivery with an open hand. Praying that God would help you process and heal from this experience. You were very strong throughout. God bless

  8. Love your channel! I’m currently pregnant with our first baby right now and your channel has been very informational and helpful. Question – what kind of foundation and make up do you use? Thank you!!

  9. Hi Alex! Just wanna say your birth story spoke volumes to me bc I had a very similar experience. Almost 50 hrs of labor. My hubby and mom also with me through it all! The crushing pain on my pelvis. Pitocin. Failed epidural. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever gone through. After my delivery I had so many should’ve/could’ve/would’ve regrets running through my mind, grieving for the birth experience I hoped for that didn’t happen. But like you said, we were able to birth beautiful humans. And now I’m experiencing love/bond beyond I’ve ever imagined. It was all worth it. Thank you for sharing, I don’t feel so alone with my crazy experience anymore!

  10. everyone handles pain different. i can handle pain pretty good, but about a few months ago, i had to have a ANGIOGRAM for my heart. they went in through my groin, and than i had to lay on my back for a couple of hours, for it to stop bleeding.i have a bad back, and laying flat, kills me. than the nurse had to check if the bleeding stopped. she used her fingers to press on the spot, and to hold pressure for a few minutes. she had the strongest hands and fingers i ever felt.that is when i complained of pain. she really hurt me. by the way, your baby is just beautiful, seeing her made me smile

  11. It makes total sense to be both grateful that you both made it through with a healthy outcome and disappointed that you didn’t get to see all of your carefully considered decisions realized. Going against the grain on what your body was ready for would be so tough, regardless of your plans. Thanks for sharing! It is reassuring to hear about a trying experience with a healthy outcome and to hear your honest emotional experience.

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