1. This kid is a fucking bitch talking about he hated people who smoked weed but now he doesnā€™t cause he was sick and it helped fucking hypocrite pos

  2. Find it hard to believe that a medical dispensary would just go full rec and say screw you to its patience. Honestly I get where heā€™s coming from and some people really need cannabis. But hereā€™s a thought, what if there are patients that donā€™t qualify for the medical program? There are certain qualifications and these people that may not qualify can finally get relief too. Donā€™t think they give you a medical card for fatigue and overall pain like California does. Or for people with bad insomnia. And shit can effect daily life activityā€™s and social life. Thereā€™s patients all over it just matters how you look at it from your perspective.

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