Reefer Madness: The Science of Marijuana with Neil deGrasse Tyson and Dr. Staci Gruber

Does weed make you faster? On this episode, Neil deGrasse Tyson and co-hosts Gary O’Reilly and Chuck Nice hash out the …


  1. "The only way it's a performance-enhancing drug is if there's a big f*cking Hershey bar at the end of the run." RIP Robin

    Hey, that's not New York. That's a Boston accent!!

  2. Were there rules for the competition stating you could not use Marijuana? Answer: Yes. Did she use it knowing these facts? Answer: Yes. So what is the actual issue? She knew it was banned, she used it anyway. Done and Done. The effect has zero bearing to why she was banned.

  3. Back in high-school I remember a few of us used to smoke weed before playing American style football. Our schools teams made it to finals EVERY YEAR, Marijuana became legal in Canada for a reason it's an enhancement. Mind you I have tested multiple different "Strains" & there are multiple different effects too. Maybe it was a coincidence we made it to finals every year but I know it made playing better πŸ€”. This will always be a study that unless "real studies" are done we won't get true answers & what I mean by "real studies" is people speaking up about experiences rather then scientists throwing 50 people in a room & saying hey smoke this weed & play sports after.

  4. I wonder if there a social study to show in USA how many people want it legal vs how many people do not want drugs legal vs how many people really do not care one way or other population demographic whys I mean. I feel do not know if this is true or not but it seems socially that are way fewer people who have highly vocal views on subjects and that there are far more people who are just trying to get along with their lifes and take no interest in what people do or don't do to them self's and laws in general. expiation of question if there 100 people and 25 people want laws to control what people do and then there like maybe 25 people who do not want laws, then there is 50 people who just do not care if there laws or not and if that is the case if that case with most social laws that are created it seem just be issue of the squeaky wheel gets grease when comes to how laws are made for social control, just theory when comes to social engineering laws, if there any evidence that majority really want half of the laws that are out there if majority does not have a strong opinion or thought or care really then there no strong position for or against a social law, it just seems like laws are created by extremes more so than by neutral thought full logic.

    also, curies if there any study shows if social engineering laws even work and if so if the two study's would be semi-indicial graphs. which would then tell you if people who are strong feeling towards law or social engineering program would be more likely to follow law or not or how which could then be detection for crime increase caused by a law being created for example laws create crime due to something being illegal if was not illegal then there wouldn't be a crime.

    could possible predict how many people get ticketed put in jail so forth due to law.

  5. I think the biggest most important thing neil was trying to say without saying it or making it super known what he's trying to say it is that why are these things banned in sports and yet caffeine is not and yet it fits more of everything as to something that should be banned more then everything else and its super addictive and not hard atall to use or over consume to achieve an edge……….lmao there for its not right most of the stuff that is banned shouldn't be and caffeine isnt even thought of

  6. I don't like reading… and it's like people can't understand that I came up with something without reading someone else's work. Thus for me it's natural not learned. And it makes it a different kind of special.

  7. Alcohol and tobacco don't have that ability except for illegal high concentration and nowhere near the same. But are in many ways more damaging to society. But you can smoke synthetic grown weed and have no ill side effects if you have a certain kind of individual cuz I've seen people use hard cut drugs and not crash. But often you need to resmoke synthetic grown weed in order to stay the negative effects of the crash…

  8. So a genius is someone who is capable of recognizing genius no matter where it comes from… where as smart often refers to a person's ability to que into the popular dominat percapita views and regurgitate community accepted information based in books…and drop it at the right time in the proper tone of voice becthe human is a yoga species on the whole where tones of voice interaction with the minds value system… unless your a real genius… come smoke with me Neil.

  9. Genotype = genetic code
    Phenotype = environmental stresses on the genetic code resulting in variations
    Chemovar= the plants physical characteristics such as indica being a shirt compact shirt flowing plant and sativa being a more lanky sometimes huge long flowering plant.

    Why I'm not taken serious college is a parasitic entity, and poverty… but hey I'm on a different level of mind because I natural thought vs most people I read it Ina book… well my mind came to those conclusions void of reading or watching outside stimuli…

  10. But you can grow it organic living soil with actual living earth dirt and it will boost the plants effect experience exponentially, but if you grow it with synthetic salts the effects are way dulled down and some might have the 2-4hr effect often only if they did a hybrid microbe synthetic grow… but synthetic causes crashes similar to hard drugs. Your expert isn't that knowledgeable but she it touting rh industry lines because they didn't know themselves it seems… 😏

  11. Yes Neil you can get strains that boost performance. Much of the world Africa, the Middle East, Asia has all had a history of war lords with coveted strains that boost a warriors preformance…

  12. Cannabis has so many strains and their terpene profiles and other compounds and the desired effects of the name brand strains only exist in a certain established ratio profile that is alterable in the pheno effect making a wonderful strain no longer a desirable effect but this can be stabilized. Sadly I'm poor and have no clout and no degree and I refuse to harm my mind with mimic education and Grammer syntaxes so people can understand and give me nothing for My life's work… science a reproducible process order that gets the same results written in blue or black ink!

  13. Cannabis is scheduled 1 because of the whole psychosis issue and that I kine genetics makes plants that mimic psychedelics sometimes… but alcohol has a psychosis issue that the public has been joyously complacent about. But you can hunt and find a cannabis plant that will mimic most pharmaceutical drugs in its play on the brain and body.

  14. Why are Black people addicts? I can be driving down the road and smell skunk from the car ahead of me, smell skunk standing in line at the grocery store, visit a home smelling skunk.

  15. I wonder how much religion has to do with the limits on tolerated marijuana usage in national sports, and if there's some carry-over of US religious offence on the IOC doping rules.

  16. Well the way I see it. 150mg of 1 cup 10 cups of coffee will damage you severely in terms of body and brain instantly. rather than the same amount of cannabis hybrid. I like to have my weed hybrid to balance out the thc

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