Two late night seizures

We never know when Raelynn will have her seizures. She went a whole day without having any tonic clonic seizures, and then …


  1. I pray for your family and your daughter Raeyan Couple of seizure Cabinet and a couples of medication and she has an hour pay for your daughter Raeynne I will keep praying for you and your daughter but that’s what I got for her for you and I will start to pray for your daughter have a spine surgery and the hip surgery that is good for her and for your dog adopted daughter she’s only nine years old but I don’t care about this was going on with your daughter but anyway I will I will play

  2. I am using a de googled phone,you prob need to reconsider your current platform,the only reason i am able to acheive your channel,takes more time to respond but now so secure,do you operate a20?

  3. These and this message are for all that read,youtube is now socialy classifying as 1 through 5 co horts,that is now happening,please be aware now,any online searches are now subject to these 5 classifacations,i risk telling you.

  4. Bless her heart. So happy she went a whole day without any. And so glad you were aware of the seizure starting so you could get to her to help her. She is so cute bless her and looks so peaceful after its all over.

  5. Please understand now,not of what i and you agree with,you are now social graded as we all are when you participate on any social platform,your channel now since your,is popular with great reason no matter content is now suseptible to be deplatformed,not trying to scare,its more like NWO,does not want healthy family unit,although many want you for sure,but dont say that i didnt give you indication,now im ligit for sure,just take care now,and then now you might as knowing,may decide to continue on a safer platform,when i join sunshine baby,you will note i have given advise to you in the past,i am ex nsa! The added platform that you choose now is also comprimised even though its new,just sayin…study newly added platforms as they have a rotation that cannot be tracked in two weeks,rotate platforms!

  6. If indeed that we get to trueth, I am for people freedom,its not republicrat or demican,its ai=cumputative ruler pay attention the real satan!!!human do…

  7. So to add,i pitch a damn tent illegal and my girl in her condition,cops didnt care,no place to be homeless,Donald her legal gaurdian exp too,they dont care here in albuquerque new mexico,thank God we get on feet again so if you think you got it rough,ask my girl Mariah huh!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Its not like i dont have seriouse prob in life and not askin for sympathy,but my life is super hard,was homeless 8 years and stuff,so its not like i dont know hard!yeah,ok,used to that too,judge oh well,i got my girl now and good home for her and she has seizure like no one knows,and shes awsome,doin 2nd grade now,so you think you life is hard?Mariah has a poor man doing for well so,what you say ha,this is adress to not sunshine babe,but to you when you think its hard for real…so when you coment,you mean it,dont you!?!?

  9. Now in posible consideration,the blink of Gods eyes may indeed be timeless,in trying posibal teatch us..
    The vaste the endlless,give example to=human spirit cannot denie endless reason to be endless curious…there fore give reason to not atrifie…there in fact and generaly humans decide for most part,do not perform suicide…those whom do not have tool,may choose atrifie,up to us to see,they valuble too,there in we as our self from the love atribute must have some kind=responce=not just empathy,but putting ourself in such places as you and yours do,in doing=performance,will be the that ye seek,when one does not have a home like me for 8 years and the low cast in peoples decide for such,im not knoking you,there is many though,edgucated without a place they can call home.i am one of those whom bacame fortune with god and always Mariah and what is left of me,always dont judge when they have good clothes or not,maybee they are trying not to be homeless…….

  10. We listen to all the doomers,yes this might happen of course,as spirit in faith this doomer scenario might happen dugh,but,are we to live that way?no…Jesus say live in the now while you know what happens,why?you know,dont let devel make you worry,devel likes that worry,feeds from fear,f**k that s**t!

  11. If teck stop there,i/we,will not stop…she is so cool, i love her too,lets go! Lets show!😇I will never stop,I love her too!Mariah up too as usual she say her standard"hope u don hav seesur,im oklove you my love girlsistergooddreamm❤❤❤👭

  12. Adding,aditional in comment so you know how seriouse, i am=abililtation from origen that Realynn is…im better in math then spell,i try too express the following=in hearing you just know=this takes time=of us=you,aprehention ndseve to see…first formost,creator be most scientist,before you deny,the star and night sky,is more indeed that one would decide comprehention of vast and understanding heaven although our brains smart,creator makes the curious the we are. You do what you do!in these many way when you are good,and performance that you deside,in so much when you see that,that is not complicated,now you get back up,not me the human simple,but he,the simple.

  13. This device has made my Mariah be her true. I dont know! For Realynn…still experimental,small electric using finger tips,nerve activation,no pain,no contraction,direct nural stim,135hrz.Me,Harvard med,so?

  14. Donald and I have been cosidering/we do not know your adress,do not give yet…Renscan unit=involves voltage stim=pleasure center,to begin responce with removal of response pleasure so intent of will/thought,indication of want/ motivation unit,screw winslate! If they dont we debate through progresion on your vid,this thing that will improve her live even if she is non cognative,do you understand!?

  15. Realynn,top priority,because she is unable to express pain but only in few ways…some of us sort of know…not to brag my continuase pain,my. Love is Realynn and my Maria. Most dont know and alone in mission,dectication. Its ok,we wish to share,make aware in community of those,ban together in you witch is us! Donald=custady of Mariah,will not let her go viral…i wish though,cause Mariah mouth of babe=honest…she would show the world!some one erased just now…offer of device for Realynn,they intrude,im at a loss when i want to spend my money for yours! How many times do i repeat that i have super device for your cutie,they stil have some control on my channel i wont stop for mine!!!!!!!pop up cookie invasion and f**kers,i have continuase edit to achieve our ways

  16. Hi Raylyns Dad I first have to tell you how much I enjoy the videos you put out I have a Question for when yours not with her how do you know when she is having seizures?????

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