Weed 5: The CBD Craze CNN Sanjay Gupta Full Documentary 2019

More than six years ago, Dr. Sanjay Gupta set out to investigate the science behind medical marijuana. A year later WEED, the …


  1. As someone on the autistic spectrum, I feel extreme sympathy for these children and I think it is best for marijuana to be legalized as it is clearly helping them a lot.
    I know how painful both mentally and physically it is to go through episodes like the ones shown here and these people don't deserve to feel that pain any longer than they already have. They need the marijuana, it lets them live a happy life.

  2. Full spectrum CBD is interesting. I have been off all mood medication for going on 4 days. Feels like my nerves are not up and down and off and on. The mental pain from nervousness is not as bad. The days feel smoother. I've also stopped vaping and believe that will be very easy to keep up. I do smoke it though. The oil is not strong enough. Also, CBD isolate did not work.

  3. I tried cbd oil under my tongue and started getting a piercing pain in my upper stomach. Stopped because thought it was something else, started using the product again and again the piercing pain came back so I couldn’t use it. Very weird

  4. Thank you for sharing this IMPORTANT VITAL buyer beware message for people thinking about getting relief and finally deciding to try non-opiate options route to a BETTER QUALITY OF LIFE.
    All products are NOT created equal.

  5. The solution to unscrupulous dealers selling poison as CBD is to grow your own. It's been called pot because that's all you need to grow it in. Provide a reliable source of seed stock for the plants that produce what you are looking for. Get rid of the middle men. Who needs them?? If you can't or don't want to grow your own, form a group and have one or two grow for everyone. Again, get rid of the middle man. It's so easy to grow after all.

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