What Can CBD Do For You? | Dr. June Chin & Wendy Nguyen | Talks at Google

Dr. Junella Chin and Wendy Nguyen provide medical and consumer perspectives about CBD applications in modern medicine …


  1. "Good health lies in knowing true medicine"
    We are manufacturers of all kinds of products, we even build houses with the best 100% legal organic CBD in the world grown in Canada, Colorado, Holland and now the best in the blue zone of the Planet of Costa Rica

  2. Hi dude! I liked the work a lot. I've been trying to search for a YouTube video like yours that breaks down the topics in this vid! 🥼 🧑🏻‍⚕️ The part at 1:13 is educational. Your lesson for sure is similar to the videos from Doctor Ethan. Dr's videos are really helpful and I learned a lot for my school.

    Go watch his YT out and give the doc a like! 👉 #DoctorEthan

  3. So happy coming across your video , cbd oil is really magic when you get the good quality . I had a serious bike accident sometime ago that left me with chronic pain for a very long now. This main was so excruciating i could barely seat. My daughter told me about CBD oil but i was very skeptical until she linked me to this professionals from India who have been the source of my magic ever since. They deal with anxiety issues, pain and many other health issues. They sell top grade CBD oil and i have been buying from them for the past 3 years now. I can testify that when you find the top quality CBD oil , you can finally say good bye to chronic pain. For anyone who will like to contact them , you can write to them through this email : onlinepharma@gmx.com . They do delivery to all areas in the world and their delivery is very fast.

  4. Thank you both for sharing your stories. I’ve seen similar results in my patient population. We need to break down the stigma surround the cannabis plant. That’s why I created my video series. Keep educating others on this amazing plant. 👏👏👏

  5. Tommy Chong from the Movie "Cheech and Chong" of course smoked a lot of marijuana, beat cancer with CBD, and pushed it. Then got a lot of feedback saying it was not working. He found a Doctor that explained why, and the Doctor came up with a formula to allow all the CBD in a dose gets absorbed. I just started taking it myself. https://getchongcbd.com/

  6. Ladies if you will look up my interview on YouTube entitled "is CBD being suppressed "you will be absolutely astonished at what CBD did for my adult children's severe mental incapacity's!! One suffers with rapid fluctuating bipolar disorder and the other suffers with schizophrenia😢 listen to how damaged my children really are and what a MIRACLE CBD provided for both of them you will be amazed!!

  7. I tried CBD for my anxiety and it has really helped me, which led me to build my own platform mrandmswonder to help create awareness and promote the best CBD products to help people on ​​@mrandmswonder

  8. CBD has very little evidence for it effects on the human brain. This is basically a scam… One of them is selling CBD and the other "dr." Has a alternative medicine clinic, which is just bullshit.

  9. CBD helped me go into the forest, and find the magical speckled blueberries that aurora found that one time she went into the deep and mysteriously forest to eat and then sleep the sleep of dragons, and then to awake, with no pants surrounded by mystical forest fairies who entrust you with the ancient and mysteriously secret secrets of the ancient forests and things

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