1. Employment policies on cannabis should be…if there is an accident on the job, or other dangers in decisions that cause harm to others…they should be tested…otherwise it is not necessary…like any other prescription drug that may have the same effects, like those for anxiety, stress, depression, pain medications…etc…

  2. You buy weed they take all your information.. Government jobs and state jobs won't hire if you smoke. The prices are extremely high and they add chemicals to keep the pot fresh. If you smoke plan on not having a great job for the rest of your life! You can't smoke in public.. The amount you're allowed on person isn't much.. Still can't smoke and ride.. They can arrest you on suspicion even if you haven't smoked or don't have it on you.. They have to drug test you if your under the influence of weed. It will be treated as alcohol now not drugs per se..

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