That's too funny about the Amish guy that must be how they beat convid 😆 they just arrested the medicine man 🤣 🤣 🤣. The box of your new tester looks familiar to me 😆 that wouldn't happen to say case IH on it would it? Glad to see everything is working out for you guys.
Round up and liberty are the chemicals thats gonna be hard to get next year. Our ports being congested with different products and truck drivers and port workers are sick with covid all over the country. We have a semi driver shortage because their tired of getting sick so they came off the road until covid gets under control. With our ports being congested is forcing china to stop production on chemicals because nothing is getting unloaded and shipped out here in the U.S. my son is a truck driver and their running him ragged trying to get stuff delivered. So its on our end thats causing the shortage. The people that works on the docks and ports are getting sick and dying from covid.
The guys in Regenerative Ag systems say they pulled back from all chemical inputs, so all the input price doubling and tripling are no problem — any grain sales price increases are going direct to their own bottom lines. How far along have you gotten? Are you able to pull back and order just seed?
Well, I guess I won't be stopping at the road side stands to buy cookies and fudge anymore. Don't want to be asleep at the wheel, just listen to them. Lol Doc
we do not do much dealings with the amish inbreeding cult around here no more. they are starting puppy mills around here!! some kids got caught breaking windows out of a house the amish told the cops they will deal with it but the cops around here are fed up with them also so they charged the kids!!! had a anish neighbor leave the faith so his wife moved back in with her parents and can NEVER remarry! BUT if he dies then she can. many amish have left the faith and their family will never talk to them again! 1 kid wanted to go past the 8th grade and go to a welding course our school had the elders would NOT allow it. no facial hair till married. had a neighbor girl did some thing bad we dont know what but to stay here they shaved her head! the kids if they work out and you pay them ALL money goes to the parents. now the amish are trying to get the state to build them a lane on 2 different highways we are against it cause we have had accidents here were a horse has bolted in front of a car and was hit this happened 4 times in the last 7 years imagine if any of these cars were doing 55mph
I saw that on the news they showed his "guns" I thought some might be more threat to the safety of the user than to anyone else. I got 2500 lbs of ams and 2500 potash today for some wheat ground 1500 dollars 🤮
I always enjoy your videos! First I heard of Brandon's poopy visit to the pope and now the Amish selling. I think i'm going to start relying on you for my news! Good to see Russell in the combine. Start them out in the buddy seat and soon they will be running with you in the buddy seat and then on their own. God Bless.
Hello Russ enjoyed your video. Here they have legalized that stuff so there is alot of stupid people walking around. There are big ten acre green houses that are stinking up the place like there raising skunks lol. The Amish man lol. Enjoyed your video thankyou sir.
So much for the "Cash Crop". LOL About time to put your "Mini Me" in the Driver's Seat of the grain cart. Glad you guys look to be moving along pretty well on the corn ground. Sadly, you're right about the input costs for next season. Thanks for the ride alongs.
More about the Amish man in the next video.
Well if it’s on Facebook I’m sure it’s been fact checked by authentic Facebook fact checkers
Try FBN for chemical
Great channel , Great video , Great people , Thanks
That's too funny about the Amish guy that must be how they beat convid 😆 they just arrested the medicine man 🤣 🤣 🤣.
The box of your new tester looks familiar to me 😆 that wouldn't happen to say case IH on it would it?
Glad to see everything is working out for you guys.
Round up and liberty are the chemicals thats gonna be hard to get next year. Our ports being congested with different products and truck drivers and port workers are sick with covid all over the country. We have a semi driver shortage because their tired of getting sick so they came off the road until covid gets under control. With our ports being congested is forcing china to stop production on chemicals because nothing is getting unloaded and shipped out here in the U.S. my son is a truck driver and their running him ragged trying to get stuff delivered. So its on our end thats causing the shortage. The people that works on the docks and ports are getting sick and dying from covid.
From the decades you have farmed how much has fertilizer fluctuated like it will be in the coming season?
Some cucumbers and some cauliflower and a DIME bag 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤷♂️😜
How dare he sell it without permission from the state
Was up your way Monday.
Poor Amish guy just trying to make an extra buck!! Nice to see you guys making good progress on the corn!! 👍🍻🍻
The guys in Regenerative Ag systems say they pulled back from all chemical inputs, so all the input price doubling and tripling are no problem — any grain sales price increases are going direct to their own bottom lines. How far along have you gotten? Are you able to pull back and order just seed?
Well, I guess I won't be stopping at the road side stands to buy cookies and fudge anymore. Don't want to be asleep at the wheel, just listen to them. Lol
Cool video love it
You know you grew up in the 80s when you see a Hawaiian shirt and the first thing you think of is magnum p.i. 😂😂😂
Good to know there is a demand for alternative cash crops I guess 😂 probably less input costs.
we do not do much dealings with the amish inbreeding cult around here no more. they are starting puppy mills around here!! some kids got caught breaking windows out of a house the amish told the cops they will deal with it but the cops around here are fed up with them also so they charged the kids!!! had a anish neighbor leave the faith so his wife moved back in with her parents and can NEVER remarry! BUT if he dies then she can. many amish have left the faith and their family will never talk to them again! 1 kid wanted to go past the 8th grade and go to a welding course our school had the elders would NOT allow it. no facial hair till married. had a neighbor girl did some thing bad we dont know what but to stay here they shaved her head! the kids if they work out and you pay them ALL money goes to the parents. now the amish are trying to get the state to build them a lane on 2 different highways we are against it cause we have had accidents here were a horse has bolted in front of a car and was hit this happened 4 times in the last 7 years imagine if any of these cars were doing 55mph
Amish Mafia: The Real Stories…🔫
What about liquid UAN prices? Maybe switch to it if it’s cheaper than ammonium nitrate. That Amish dude looked like he had the good sh*t too!
Where is Thomas Farms located?
Another time when the Amish wife would say OHHHHH Jacob. Get that corn finished, weather is gonna be good to hammer the beans.
I saw that on the news they showed his "guns" I thought some might be more threat to the safety of the user than to anyone else. I got 2500 lbs of ams and 2500 potash today for some wheat ground 1500 dollars 🤮
Great job Russ keep it up.
Good to see the youngster out in the field with dad. Magnum PI LOL!
Looks like a beautiful day to be out with your Son and Father! I'm sure the Amish guy was just having the marijuana for medicinal purposes!!
Beautiful sunset!
How much are your hats?
Looks Iike things are moving along nicely.
Yall are really moving through it now.
I always enjoy your videos! First I heard of Brandon's poopy visit to the pope and now the Amish selling. I think i'm going to start relying on you for my news! Good to see Russell in the combine. Start them out in the buddy seat and soon they will be running with you in the buddy seat and then on their own. God Bless.
Hello Russ enjoyed your video. Here they have legalized that stuff so there is alot of stupid people walking around. There are big ten acre green houses that are stinking up the place like there raising skunks lol. The Amish man lol. Enjoyed your video thankyou sir.
Where there is money to be made ..the Amish will not be far behind.
So much for the "Cash Crop". LOL About time to put your "Mini Me" in the Driver's Seat of the grain cart. Glad you guys look to be moving along pretty well on the corn ground. Sadly, you're right about the input costs for next season. Thanks for the ride alongs.
How high of moisture will you put it in the bin and how long do you usually leave it there