1. The Republican opposition needs to come out in favor of Agriculture…that includes Cannabis…Republicans control Agriculture or do we want Democrats in on Agriculture? No we dont…cannabis is the foot in the door that prys the door open for them use profits to buy more farms and control your food…do you want Democrats control of your food supply…no…cut them off at the pass…

  2. If you want cannabis legalization in TX, you have sway the LT. Governor and the TX legislature. As long as Dan Patrick holds office most legalization bills will be dead in the water. Doesn’t really matter who the Governor is, all they’ll do is sign the bill into law or veto.

  3. All for full legalization. . . But taking your second amendment away?! Not a chance! No Thanks, Beto! I would rather keep weed illegal and keep my guns. .

  4. It's about time legalize and decriminaliz marijuana in Texas , we voted for BETO O'Rourke and alot of people I know voted for him in the primaries last week , Texas needs these much needed tax revenues , taxes in Texas are ridiculous , if Greg Abbott was smart he would legalize marijuana , but he's not he's a prohibitionest and doesn't believe in legalization , he would rather lock up good Texans for any amount of marijuana , BETO O'Rourke got my vote this November , it's time for a change 70 percent of Texans want legalization !!!!

  5. Give me a break!!! That idiot is just another do nothing Democrat who won’t accomplish anything. Just remember what Harris said “ if I get elected we will legalize cannabis on day one , and after a year later we are still WAITING. !!!!

  6. I will vote for Beto just because of this. Many of my friends who all voted Trump also support Beto now because of his stance on legalizing Marijuana. This might be the closest Govenor race ever.

  7. Texas can not let Beto become governor !! I'm all for legal weed but he said he'll yeah were going to TAKE your ARs and AKs don't let this happen Texans 🇺🇸

  8. Don't support child abusers like O'Rourke. He's working against society by allowing children to have access to unproven transgender hormone therapy. Look up the ages they accept the children at and look up the consequences. They are manipulating younger people into surgeries, just for profit and purposefully expressing their progression in this direction with moral justification. Americans federally have to wait until 21 to drink, but under legislation from wacky guys like this, a young person could lose their ability to have children before they can smoke.

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