Buy CBD Oil in Canada For Better Health!

CBD is getting a lot of recognition for its medicinal properties. You can easily buy CBD oil in Canada and other countries where …


  1. Most people do not believe or know there is cure for cancer. When my brother was diagnosed with stage 3 prostate cancer on October 18, 2017. He was advised by the doctor that the only options was to get a prostatectomy or have radiation seeds implanted in his prostate or receive regular external beam radiation. We followed All the doctors advice still no changes and my brother's condition got worst. I knew there had to be other options. I searched the Internet and discovered a wealth of information about Dr purity and his herbal exploit in curing most forms and stages of cancer. I was able to get his e-mail: He assured me my brother will be cured in maximum of 16 weeks.

    After getting his herbal medicine my brother immediately commenced with treatment as directed, In August 13th 2018 he had a cancer reassessment which consisted of an MRI with a state of the art Tesla 3 MRI machine. Results – NO SIGN OF CANCER! CANCER FREE! One of the things that helped my brother while going through all this was reading the testimonies and the success stories of those who have been cured by Dr purity herbal medicine and with the right diet. Now that this wonderful herbal medicine has cured my brother, I feel the need of letting others know as well. Please feel free to contact Dr purity via email :, Believe it or not but I have done my part by passing this information.

  2. How can I buy medical grade 3rd party lab tested CBD oil in Canada directly from a licensed and fully regulated producer without having to get a prescription?

  3. I'm Andrea Jurgen from England, I was diagnosed with lung cancer 6 months ago, I was worried looking for a cure. I got in touch with Rick Simpson's email at which I bought 60 grams of cannabis oil, and 3 days later the oil was delivered to my home address. I took the prescribed dosage from Rick Simpson. Within 14 days I have seen some changes and I contact him again, He advised me to continue for 8 weeks as he has prescribed, I did it until about 7 weeks. I contacted my Doctor for a test, I was surprised to hear my doctor say I'm cancer free now. All thanks to God and Rick Simpson, who cured my lung cancer with cannabis oil.

  4. **I would like to know where i can buy the best quality CBD oil, not a pretender from canadian company that has verifiable lab test results from a 3rd party confirming that they have active CBD oil in their product. Do you know any? Thanks!**

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