Can Microdosing Marijuana Reduce Stress, Anxiety, & Manage Pain?

Dr. Dustin Sulak who treats patients with cannabis, and two microdosing moms Ozzie and Alexandra, join The Doctors to share …


  1. The major problem with marijuana is that we get used to it very fast.

    Was basically bad tripping with like 30mg and in a matter of few months 400-500mg wasn’t enough. Not even close…

  2. I got covid 3 days ago and I smoke a bit of weed since then in the evening. It helps me with the excruciating pain at night and I sleep like a baby. I feel less stressed and anxious (feelings I have in daily life)and feel more relaxed and carefree.

  3. Today i woke up with a heavy anxiety/panic episode with my body all stiff and i took some drops of homemade THC oil, waited under my blanket and about 50 min later all my muscles were relaxed and my mind was light. Definitely small doses are an effective solution. Love it.

  4. I read a study saying that between 1mg to 10mg of THC has anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects. Anything over that and it begins to have the opposite effect.

  5. They say to not use cannabis while pregnant, spreading that false propaganda as always.
    I know 5 people who have used cannabis regularly, not microdosing either, while pregnant. And their babies came out just fine, in fact, very healthy.
    I wouldn’t reccomend high amounts of THC, but if you’re gonna consume cannabis while pregnant, low dose of THC and high doses of CBD is ideal. ONLY FULL SPECTRUM / WHOLE PLANT EXTRACTS, None of that distillate trash.

  6. There’s no point wishing to die when there’s permanent cure for depression, bipolar anxiety and and other mental related illness… you can be a better person again, you can smile again..
    psychedelic products is the best solution for any mental illness and also, it cures stress and pains and also, some of our products reduces weight for those that need to cut down on weight…..

  7. I started microdosing thc to combat chemotherapy symptoms. I'll never stop because it has given me more help then meds any of my ever given me alone. My Dr does blood work weekly to keep track of my levels. I'm in Illinois.

  8. My sister smoked pot regularly when she was pregnant and breastfeeding, and my nephew is doing really good in everything. I think cannabis is very safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding

  9. Honestly, the moment a doctor calls it "marijuana", I already know that they don't know what they are talking about because it isn't called "marijuana"; it's called cannabis. The term "marijuana" has an extremely racist past if you look into it. Also 2:28 "with the general lack of formal research out there…" is completely false. There are a ton of scientific studies, experiments, and research on the effects of microdosing or even macrodosing THC.

  10. Can I point out 4 years prior to this video you published a bullshit story on weed smoke being worse then Cig smoke? How it has 33 chemicals that cause cancer yet you never listed em off? How you said that allowing medicinal marijuana will bring only toxicity among people(yet Colorado is building full schools that are way better just from marijuana money)? How you said a simple filter is blocking a bunch of chemicals from reaching your lungs? How deeply inhaling weed causes lung damage yet Cig smokers are more known to hold their smoke in? How you said it was bad to give animals medicinal marijuana even though now proven today that it helps greatly?

    Ill still believe you on idiots blowing smoke in their pets face or leaving ANY chocolate in the slightest out. Also yes ofcourse everyone will react differently. Its just funny how double sided you see it now. I need to press on my temples to relieve the pressure in my head from watching you. bye

  11. My gf broke up with me and left me with nothing… weed is literally the best thing ever makes stress go away makes me laugh makes me happy

  12. There is only ine of the doctors on this panel i trust. All the other advocate for male genital cutting. Think about that SHEEPLE Take all the time you need. NOTE: If youre doing it right, your cognitive dissonance going to sting.

  13. I'll smoke,dab,eat some edibles and b fine to drive and go on with my day with no problem. I just find it crazy how doctors are on here talking about it needs more research… uhmmm yah let's just take some pills I geuss instead smh 🤡

  14. Fake news. Why don't you fucking tards go for a walk or something that's proven to help with depression as well as many other things. Fucking pot head losers.

  15. Microdosing has made my anxiety even worse and made me more paranoid over time. The last time i have felt like this was during withdrawals from an antidepressant.
    I'm sure it works for a lot of people but for me it doesnt.

  16. Society is so sensationalistic, its either "devil's lettuce" or "miracle cure". Seems to me, the truth is usually somewhere in the middle. Probably most things we use as medicine could be deadly if not used appropriately, but with marijuana, where dosage can make a tremendous difference in the effect experienced (as with many illicit drugs), there seems to be a very slow acknowledgment that these drugs can help people who are suffering. No big deal if you are not suffering. But how much damage has this biased and partial perspective already done to the worlds health? I guess we have the drug war to thank for all that.

  17. The doctor is a bit wrong. It IS addicting to microdose because when you don’t use it, your anxiety comes back. I can always clearly tell when I forgot to take my morning microdose of edibles. It’s not addicting like he means tho like it’s not a compulsion by any stretch of the imagination or in any way shape or form.

  18. Be very careful canabis and canabis oil induces panic attacks and anxiety in many people I tried canabis oil for health and had the biggest panic attack of my life and had to call an ambulance. Great for those it works for but it's not for everyone. I also took less than the recommend dose.

  19. After many failed attempts with other brands, I finally found this brand. Weedborn products are the best and I don't think I will ever need to look for another CBD supplier. I would recommend for practically any health problem.

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  21. I just read a scientific study that said between 1 mg to 7 mg of THC promotes anxiolytic effects, promotes fear extinction, and quiets the amygdala. Anything over 10mg and you begin to experience a reversal of positive effects.

  22. I’ve been on anxiety, ADHD and @hippietrips__ on Instagram has helped me out in this now I’m doing fine and great he sells psychedelic products , honey , MUSHROOMS and lots more that can help you out

  23. Microdosing works, smallest amounts which does not get you high it gives a lot of positive effects and benefits, normalizes your metabolism, cures anxiety, returns appetite and happiness.

  24. I smoked a small amount of weed for a week and my anxiety and depression was gone. At least I was not in an existential depression anymore, just a general sense of well-being and no desire to stay in bed all day. It forced me to ponder musings that I’ve avoided for years and allowed me to move past this stage

  25. My life was hell couldn’t go to school without having a panic attack couldn’t be in my own home without having a panic attack stress was off the walls started smoking weed a year and a half ago life’s been amazing ever since a blunt or 2 a day keeps anxiety away 🙂

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