1. My daughter is being diagnosed as bi-polar although the most severe symptoms she displays is a racing mind which leads to trouble sleeping. Do you think this would be a better alternative than medicating her with prozac please help thanks

  2. hey, Sinister! price has come down, a lot! contact me if you'd like to help me distribute!i'll have a website up soon, but anyone can contact me for a free sample.

  3. I have panic disorder for 10 months now and stop from work due to methamphetamine overdose. All symptoms were manageable before like full blown panic attacks, fears, worries. I can handle the anxiety trick. After 6 months I am very afraid now as it comes to worst, it accompanies with Depersonalization-derealization wherein I am like a paranoid with noise anxiety and extremely confused with everything and thought of people are conspiring with each other at me. Have you experience people say numbers, directions and that you are extremely confused and mentally black-out everyday? It is just so painful and exhausting in my brain by listening to it. Depression is gradually swallowing me. I'm like a walking zombie for months now. With the depression (although I am not at all coz I have my mum with me) I feel like having OCD when I watch porn and masturbate (that's what I do even before when I am in the blue) everyday and it really drives me nuts wherein it really urges me to do it again and again. I am always thinking about sexual fantasies- it just comes inside my mind always. I'm so afraid I will totally go insane like do it in public wherein I feel I'm gradually keeping out of touch from reality. My brain wants me to talk or do sexually nasty things as delusion and fantasies. I quit medication months ago coz I don't like the feeling of it but it really keeps me weak emotionally and physically. I believe this will morph into schizo or psychosis.

  4. I'm chewing my first piece of Canchew 10mg.  It starts off like a hard piece of candy that I had to suck on for about 15 minutes, before it soften up enough to start chewing it.  It tastes very good,  like a spearmint flavor.  so after 30 minutes, I'm not sure if I actually feel anything from it.  It didn't upset my stomach and seems like a regular piece of gum. 

  5. also have anxiety affects me on daily but i live with it recently went to the doc but i got a script for xanax but all i hear is horror stories about long term use and withdrawls i tried weed but it made my anxiety worse and i got paranoia lol do you honestly believe this gum is good shit? thanks for he video also money isn't an object for me but i don't wanna keep wasting money on something that doesn't work sometimes i just feel on edge just looking for something to take the edge off 

  6. I take 32 400g seroqual anti psychotic tablets a month and that costs about 650 dollars a month. I bought some canchew today and tried one 10mg gum,
    it had a similar effect to the anti psychotic but a little more pleasent.

  7. There are other things that help for anxiety. Lysine has been shown to be very beneficial. As well as L theanine ( green tea extract ). Low dose naltrexone stimulates the opioiod receptors much like cannabidiol. Niacin ( B3 ) raises serotonin levels naturally as well. You have see what works best for you but all of these work to some extent.

  8. Try the 50/50 Bhang Bar by Bhang Chocolate, they make medicated chocolate and the caramel one is my favorite is equally CBD and THC which has the most medical benefits and still no high since the CBD counteracts the THC

  9. I also have anxiety, just popped my first piece of gum about 5 min ago. I got the sample pack. I think I am going to take one everyday around this time until they are out to see if it helps at all.

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