GET SOME NULEAF CBD HERE: shop.nuleafnaturals.com/BQ4K9 Peace, beautiful beings! I’m so excited to share this highly …


  1. GET SOME NULEAF CBD HERE: shop.nuleafnaturals.com/BQ4K9
    0:00 Intro
    4:28 What is CBD?
    5:52 Why doesn’t CBD make you feel “high”?
    6:48 Hemp vs Marijuana
    8:29 What sets Nuleaf apart from other CBD brands?
    9:45 Full Spectrum vs Isolates
    12:07 Are brands required to label products Full Spectrum or Isolate?
    13:16 How is CBD oil extracted from the plant?
    14:05 How much CBD should one take?
    15:02 Which CBD bottle should I buy from Nuleaf?
    15:26 What's the best way to take CBD oil?

  2. So I’ve been enjoying Kratom a couple times a week for a while now and I also recently bought the Mane Magic supplement per your recommendation. Can I take Kratom and Mane Magic in the same morning? Because every time I do I’ve gotten sick (vomiting, light headedness, etc.) Should I space them out more instead of taking it right after each other with my breakfast or should I completely avoid Mane Magic if I’m gonna take Kratom for that day. Thanks so much in advance if you answer this question

  3. I'd love to see your take on thc/rso itself since a lot of people seem to be suggesting that it's the actual healer in a few 'natural' based groups I'm in. Hopefully my comment isn't too late to be noticed but ya. Love your channel!

  4. I would use CBD for my social anxiety, maybe it would help me at my new job. I'm always so anxious an scared so I would definitely love to take some before work!

  5. Giveaway entry!

    I would like to win this prize to give to my mum with polymyositis, lung disease, and arthritis. This giveaway would help improve her quality of life and relieve her from a the life of pain that she currently has to live in.

    Thank you for being so generous to share this gift with us! Many blessings and positive vibes 🙏🏽

  6. I’m going to use this CBD to help me relax and ease my anxious thoughts. Life can get overwhelming and CBD truly reaches me and helps me find my inner balance in all areas and situations. I will use it before work, before going in public, and before bed. I love this stuff and am excited to claim my prize 😬😌❣️

  7. I watched this video twice and It’s made me begin the process of researching healthier ways of consumption compared to smoking, thank you for all of your videos 💕💕 5 bottles of oil is amazing I’m definitely gifting four! Saving one for myself. Me and a couple of the closest people to me are battling with anxiety or depression, we have turned to natural remedies to help and this would be amazing

  8. I would love to win this giveaway because CBD oil is pricey for a student, but it really improves my quality of life ten-fold. I have anxiety and depression and I find CBD oil to be the most natural and effective way to treat my symptoms. Thank you for this giveaway 🙂

  9. My emotional health is really affecting my physical health, and I am hoping CBD will help my body relax and help me stay in my state of inner peace and not be so affected by the world around me. <3

  10. I would use CBD for anxiety, my mood disorder, OCD and with the help of my manifesting, being mindful, eating cleaner, yoga, journaling etc I can finally start to feel better. Ive been meaning to try CBD. I’m from MA and have a medical card but still have not used it as I usually see more THC in the shops. Hopefully this could be a start. ❤️✨🌿

  11. I have recommended CBD to a ton of members in my family! I have taken it once for period cramps and it relieved my pain completely within 15 mins. THIS STUFF IS MAGIC

  12. I have used CBD off and on since my pregnancy, it really helped me regain balance with my hormones and with my depression, postpartum depression. I have fallen off the wagon with using it and I can definitely tell the difference. This video just inspired me to get back on CBD because I really did feel so much better having it in my system. The days seem to go smoother, I had better memory, I was happier less anxious. There's so many benefits that I felt from it.

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