1. 4:08.. It's a real hard thing to deal with when it comes to rec drug use. I'm 4 alternative medicine..recreational drug use, thing about that..ppl r doing anyways.making them criminals over night because of criminalizing the use of marijuana. Mannnnn. Idk. I don't do the stuff can't make ppl stop it.. What u do .. Decriminalize it.. Anyways not looking for a debate.. Just my short opinion on it.. It's probably the most hardest thing to deal with .. IMO

  2. Why is it ok for the interviewer to call her "Kristie"? That's disrespectful. Do you hear reporters call the governor of Texas "Greg"? No, they call him "Governor". It's because she is a woman. Gov. Noem deserves the same respect. The interviewer is misogynistic. BTW, Noem / DeSantis 2024 (1st female president).

  3. Love Kristi, don't see how she is so against marijuana when we got alcohol and meth running rampant through our communities. I see she doesn't spend much time with the downtrodden. Born in S.D. spent most of my life living here love how free we relatively are here but dont see how your gonna be helping people with broken out of control u.s. gov. and looking down the barrel of ww3 by building more prisons and being against people using other alternative drug use besides the ones you all get hopped on by your doctor's and bartenders…

  4. Thank you Kristy that your inner spirit loves. Creator God โ€˜s Creation Amen Blessed are we to have such a soul on our planet in such a time .Amen Thank you so much
    Love your purely its a rarity on this Planet. .

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