Mom claims CBD is lifesaver for 4-year-old daughter; Docs concerned about side effects

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  1. It’s safer then the Tylenol you give them when they have a fever.
    Plain and simple.
    Doctors Don’t cure anyone they treat the symptoms with life long drugs. With real side affects.

  2. this is amazing. the doctors want me to give a ton of crap of different medicine to my daughter with severe side affects and most of the medicine is experimental meaning they aren't sure if it will work for her but they want her to try it for 6 months or more. No thanks and the side affects of the meds the doctors prescribed are worser than what the doctor on the video said cbd has. my daughter can become suicidal with the medicine or it can mess up her insides. I prefer cbd all the way

  3. After many failed experiments with some other brands, I finally found this brand. Weedborn products are the best and I don't think I would ever need to look for another CBD supplier. I highly recommend for practically any health problem.

  4. The fda doesn’t want people to be cured it’s all big pharma they don’t wanna stop making money cbd is safer then all those medications with way worse side effects

  5. Doctors are not convinced because it's natural and easy to grow, but they want to keep selling pills that make you worse and treatments that will kill you faster.

  6. What brand of oil was used in this video that helped wonders on her Nikki ? , researching best ones to try please share the oil brand bottle used that worked miracles as seen in this video , thank you

  7. CBD saved our autistic son’s life. My husband and I want to share our journey with you with the hope that it can help spread awareness of how CBD and CBG can help the quality of life for families like ours, Please share with others that might find the story informative.

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