Nanchang City Walking Tour | Pavilion Of Prince Teng And CBD Area | Jiangxi, China | 南昌 | 江西 | 滕王阁

It’s my second time to visit Nanchang City in last 2 months. I love Pavilion of Prince Teng very much and I visited this place again.


  1. 哈哈,瑞雪初降,水非秋水,倒真是水天一色。附近高楼林立,若犹可披绣闼,唯恐俯无雕甍。兰亭已矣,梓泽丘墟,滕王阁却重建二十九次之多,白云千载,故国神游,歌舞未休。 Very nice, enjoyable video!

  2. Even in the cold and rainy day, the streets and sights of Nanchang fill me with joy and happiness. All major Chinese cities are looking really well developed these days and the streets are so well planted with trees and shrubs everywhere.

  3. Дорогой друг! Спасибо тебе огромное за прекрасное видео.Ты в буквальном смысле слова,перевернул мой мир.Я давно интересуюсь Китаем.Особенно его культурой,историей,философией и до китайской архитектурой.Твои видео о шедеврах кит.архитектуре,парках и до.просто неповторимы.Я живу в Украине и когда у меня тяжело на душе,твои видео возвращают меня к жизни.Большой респект тебе за твою работу и успехов!

  4. Nice video!
    One question I would like to ask is what are the F-number and exposure compensation settings when shooting at night?
    Thank you!

  5. Ahhhhh now this weather I recognise haha but snow on the ground is something I’ve missed this winter.

    13:20 I’m surprised you took this rout my friend, given the last “incident” you had with a sloped surface covered in snow in Changsha was it ? 😂

    14:05 is such a lovely sight, it all works so well even with the wet foggy weather it doesn’t stop that so vibrant cadmium red of the columns and the deep green glazed roof tiles from beaming out at you.
    All of the buildings

    Some of the patterns used on the beams and such are reproduced on to lanterns, they must look quite pretty when softly lit at night.

    26:36 so, the tranquil walk has been shattered by workers or a couple having a row hehe both seem….. agitated 😂

    28:15 you can see why it’s put in the same Grand Tower’s of Jiangnan category as Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan and Yueyang Tower in Yueyang.
    Such a glorious tower and a big lump too.
    28:34 statue of the poet Wang Bo
    36:14 ha, you can’t beat a fierce pair of shishi 😍
    female with the cub and make with the ball.

    Nice to see the modern part of Nannchang too, hope you’ve had a good weekend mate and thank you for sharing.

  6. Good afternoon Max! I'm excited for the new video again! This pavilion is magnificent, I like such ancient places in China. When I often traveled around China, I walked around such old temples in every city. I really liked the walk, thank you for showing such places! How about a walk along the pedestrian street in Nanshan, there will be a video!?

  7. 两年多没回国的南昌人看到这个视频仿佛回到了家乡,小时候在滕王阁边长大,这里的一草一木都记忆犹新!看到园区为虎年新添的装饰,真的好想回家看看!

  8. i read quara found that many indians said their cities are superior than China poor cities.. they gave many -ve comments about China cities and how theirs cities ahead of China in many aspects… any indians here comment two words after you see these videos???

  9. Nice walk this is from someone me who dislikes snow the streets are plowed awesomeness and walkway the palace is priceless not to forget in such modern times the beauty of the past

  10. 欢迎Walk East来我们江西上饶市拍摄,有三清山、婺源(特别是篁岭)、葛仙村、望仙谷、灵山等等非常不错的景区。

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