No Seizures for More Than a Year

A brief update on Qualey and to say a big thank you to everyone who has sent their thoughts and comments to us about our lovely …


  1. I want to say thank you for sharing, my dog started having seizures in august and it has been really hard. The vets started medication on oct 1 since his seizures started getting worst and he had then more frequently. Its a long and hard journey but seeing that it can get better id very reassuring. I wonā€™t give up on my pup but some days its hard. He is currently on ā€œkepraā€ and phenobarbital. Once we figure out the dosages he will be better I assume. Its a game of trial and error I think. I am very happy Qualey is doing good.

  2. I'm so pleased for you and Qualey, what an amazing achievement that she hasn't had a seizure for more than a year. My pug of 2 years has begun to have seizures so I'm going to look at all your vids. My main fear is that the vets will over prescribe, but I'm going to gather as much information as I can so that I'm better informed. Thank you so much for sharing your experience with everyone.

  3. I'm so happy for your family that Qualey is doing so much better! We have a 7 year old husky who suffers from seizures.. I was just curious how many vets did you go to before finding the right one?

  4. My dog peter has epilepsy as well. Iā€™m petrified to give pheno that what the vet wants he has a mild seizure monthly sometime more sometime he goes 2 moths without it. I have him on extra strength Baileyscbd for pets 1800 mg with can and thc. I dot. Wanna use pharmacy drugs but I donā€™t know what to do!

  5. I am really sorry to message you like this but i have no option left i have a puppy with these symptoms i really dont know what to do ?
    Its really heartbreaking to see my puppy like this everytime i just want to talk to somebody who have knowledge or gone through with which may help us and my dog to survice this disease ? Does it can be curable ? Or we should just loose hope ? Do who have to give him medication throughout his life ?
    I just want to talk to you because even vet can't tell the exact situation exact feeling that what we are expecting so here i am messaging you ! Give us a way to lead through thanks ā¤ļø

  6. I am so pleased for qualey,she is a beautiful girl,and long may this continual for her,I love the goldies,they are so loving dogs,
    All the best to you all !šŸ•ā¤

  7. Thank you for caring and loving her. You give hope to me with an eileptic dog. I, as human had also 4 attacks of seizure in my life, many years ago no more and still following do's and don't. I had epilepsy before. My dog had cluster seizures and my heart broke whenever happen. It had been 6 days now without. I always reviewing and rewatching your videos of dog seizures.

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