North America's LARGEST Hemp Fiber Processor!

Touring the soon to be running IND Hemp fiber processing plant. More info on IND Hemp: YOU CAN …


  1. Sorry to say but hemp like safflower and other crops we have tried might be short lived. It is so hard to combine and we don’t bale. Would hate to know the money invested. Wish you all the best.

  2. Thanks for the video and great tour! We are proud of our team and the opportunities for farmers in Montana and across the country with industrial hemp!

  3. What a great tour! She definitely has a lot of passion and knowledge for the the hemp industry. I hope you follow up with another video with the plant running.

  4. It's great to see the hemp industrie starting up. I can remember growing up and we then had the flax crop. it was oilseed and fiber crop. We had processers in South Dakota until the mid 80's . The corn and soybeans started takeing more acres and the flax crops moved further north. The company that had the processing plant near Watertown SD sold it's operation to a Canadian company and flax is rarely seen anywhere around here any longer
    Hopefully Hemp will take off and give another option for farmers here as well.

  5. Flax is what lin-en (and canvas) is made from. And lin-seed oil is made from its seeds. Linseed oil is the base of oil-based paint (which replaced tempura,) and canvas replaced wooden panels as a surface upon which to apply it.

  6. Thank you for this video. I learned so much about hemp from your knowledgeable guide and I can see now how forward thinking you are on your farm, Tony. Please make the follow up video when this plant is operational so we can see the whole process. Very cool stuff.

  7. Great video. Thank you for sharing with the world that Montanans are the best and this truly is the last best place. God bless you and all fellow human beings around the world.

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