1. I can't wait for its legalization, lets c if those no good cops supplying prisoners with drugs are going to go after these foreigners selling whonga to our people

  2. If anything, they would have to legalise micro doses, rather than large quantities. All products found containing THC or any of the 500 compounds in the plant, would need to present a test code, to confirm clean and safe use of THC, or any other compound within the plant. It is not fair that beaurocracy can state which plants are legal or not. A plant is a plant.
    Just like big pharma cannot patent thc, neither should the government be permissable to say what types of plants , humans beings may ingest.
    Another likelihood is that they could legalise isolated compounds, still making THC (the specific delta 9 compound) illegal.

  3. Whit people are one stpe closer, they be taking over everything. Few years ago and actually there are black people still behind bars fro trying to see this plant and now white people are going to make billions from using it

  4. This is honestly depressing to me because government will benefit the most compared to the average honest and ordinary South African trying to make a living off cannabis

  5. About time. Its ridiculous to legislate a plant. Use in SA is so prevalent it's a waste of time to try and police. Now let's get the hemp industry going properly

  6. Can't wait for a reform somewhere someday to allow clients to carry their own cannabis to restaurants just the same we already do with alcohol, euh… Oh, but wait!! It's not the same thing… Right? Or else, carry your own cannabis shouldn't sound sur-realistic somehow. I sure won't mind if that ever happens anyway.

  7. Can you please do a story on cannabis use and workplace..and include the Labour department and CCMA..cases are adding up..peeps are getting instant dismissals because of urine tests.

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