Operation Dudula continues its 'clean up' operation in the Joburg CBD

Operation Dudula continues its ‘clean up’ operation in the Joburg CBD. Organisers claim their move is aimed at removing …


  1. I agree with this operation because it's not fair that some South Africans are restricted from working in certain industries when they travel to other countries on the continent but when the immigrants of those countries come to SA they're practically allowed have to any kind of career they want. If you want South Africans to open up to your people tell the government of the countries you come from give the same privilege when South Africans want to work in your countries as well.

  2. We wouldn't have a problem with employing immigrants if the south africans we already have just wanted to work or be passionate about their work. it's very sad

  3. why are immigrants not allowed to work in south africa, are you people dumb, it's your government that is the problem not the people in the country. there is more that enough opportunity in South africa to create jobs for all but due to corruption this is impossible, go to your leaders houses and demand from them there. Fighting hawkers will do nothing

  4. It good idea this operation, we are against for looting and xenophobia ,don't forget they are many south African company in others country like here in my country last xenophobia we saw many foreigner die in south Africa, people also in my country loot all shop of south african and repressed them it was bad experience we are African, we must respect the low if you are foreigner in other country special all foreigner respect low in south Africa

  5. The Grievances of Operation Dubula are very Fare and legitimate.

    To be realistic, With the Rate of 65% Youth Unemployment in the Country.There is currently no Space for Foreign Nationals in the none Special Skills Fields.

    Therefore Dudula postion of 100% South African is Understandable.( Let the Children First be fed).

    Every Country has enough resources to Create job Creation Conditions for its Citizens. The Problem is Corruption.

  6. It’s going to get worse simply because they will be no jobs unless you create your own. You discover after five years from now many companies who you are harassing would have moved elsewhere on continent or outside the continent!
    As much as you may want think you are smart and building for fellow citizens, in a you are a total foolish person who has insight into the future!
    Encourage your fellow citizens to look for work and not think about the Grant always!!

  7. This is unfair for legal foreigners. We have brothers and sisters working abroad, should they be fired to come back to South Africa 🇿🇦. Very unfair Dudula, very unfair 😢.

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