Paula's Choice Skincare 🆕 Retinol and Bakuchoil & CBD Oil and Retinol… & More Review

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  1. Hey..!
    Kindly HELP Me.
    I just turned 29, could u suggest me a good retinol product to start.
    Em very much confused 🙁
    And bdw u r doing a great job for helping people out.

  2. Same experience with the PC cbd product; real bummer because it wasn’t cheap. Really want to try the bakuchiol, so glad to hear it’s working for you, might give it a shot.

  3. My face is covered with melasma and I am trying the Niacinamide 20%. After a month and a half, I think this serum is helping me keeping the hyperpigmentation controled. I will continue to use it to see if it is worth it.

  4. I really wanna try out the PC Niacinamide 20% but it's not available here in EU 😭 My skin tolerates 15% very well so I think 20% would work as well. Hope they will launch it here soon 🤗

  5. Are you sure it's the niacinimide irritating your skin and not another product, maybe retinol? I don't have any issues with the 20% niacinimide and that ingredient generally is well tolerated. Of course everyone's skin is different.

  6. I actually am really enjoying the Paula's Choice CBD Milk and 20% niacinimide. I considered checking out the Derma E CBD products but I saw they are not "full spectrum" which studies show is not as effective. I also got a sample of Lord Jones CBD oil – it's 1000mg full spectrum CBD per bottle! Pricey though $100, I think my sample bottle is worth $10! It's so nice though only two ingredients, grapeseed oil and the CBD! Really soothes skin quickly. I think it can even be taken orally too if you're into that.

  7. I have been eyeing that new retinol products from them, because I am not on any retinol atm and I really should haha. The serums I thought are a bit expensive especially with the cheaper versions around

  8. Bummer about some of those PC products. It seems like when a brand releases a lot of products together in a short time they tend to be not as good. Maybe it’s my imagination, lol. The last product that you mentioned caught my attention. I’m wanting to pick up a product that contains bakuchiol for days when my Curology is a bit too much. Maybe a top 5 bakuchiol products??😉. Hope all’s well:))
    Thanks, girlie🍃🌸

  9. I have oily acne prone skin & I notices that I’m also probe to dehydration! Mainly because of the actives I use like 5% benzoyl peroxide and 4% BHA, retinoids, Niacinamide etc.

    I noticed that my face looks so shiny like plastic after I cleanse and dry my face, it’s also been more sensitive & things sting my skin more easily I wanted to know why.

    Turns out it’s from over exfoliating and using too many ingredients that speed up skin cell turn over, it compromises your skin barrier & it’s ability to hold on to water/moisture so it becomes dehydrated & in turn my oily skin produces even more oil to compensate which is why I have been looking really oily as of late! And then there’s that nasty artificial plasticy look to my skin where I can actually see but even if I strip my skin off oil completely! Plus the increased skin sensitivity due to my compromised skin barrier.

    All of the above are symptoms of over-exfoliation so here’s what I decided to do:

    Instead of exfoliating my skin with my BHA every single day, I decided to do it just 3 times a week which is absolutely appropriate for my oily acne prone skin, I will experiment to see if my skin needs it more often, I just need to find that goldilock zone for my own skin! And i think 3 times a week is a great place to start, and my 4% bha is slow release so it’s gonna be gentler!

    I just figured that I don’t need to exfoliate every single day because I’m also using other actives that increase skin cell turn over like benzoyl peroxide, retinoids, bha & Niacinamide, these things tend to regulate skin cell turn over which means I shouldn’t need to exfoliate as often!

    I also decided not to use benzoyl peroxide & bha together at night, I use them in different nights.

    My morning skincare routine is all about protection, healing & anti inflammation from the intensive night time treatment routine I have going on.

    I don’t want to use retinoids & exfoliants in the morning anymore, I think those are best reserved for night time use just to give my skin time to heal cause even with sunscreen it can be too sensitizing to the skin.

    What I noticed so far is my skin is less sensitive, has less of that plasticy shiny look, and it’s also not as oily which is great.

    My advice is don’t compromise your skin barrier! Make sure it stays nice & healthy!

    If your skin can handle all of these actives everyday then go for it but using way too many actives that comprise your skin’s ability to hold on to moisture might be exactly why you’ve been struggling to keep your skin hydrated throughout the night cause you often wake up with dry skin, but everyone’s skin is different, mine is oily so it might not be completely relevant

  10. You know Sarah sometimes I tell myself I’d rather have dry skin over oily acne prone skin cause then I just have to moisturise but having watched your videos, now I realize that dry skin is often accompanied by redness, eczema & itchyness whereas oily skin is often accompanied by acne & clogged pores.

    I wouldn’t mind being a little dry if it’s just in the face but god I don’t want a dry neck or dry hands and that awful tight feeling all over my body!

    Trust me, you don’t want oily skin cause you end up looking so shiny like an oil slick, especially when you apply sunscreen it’s actually really frustrating! And while I don’t wear makeup, it definitely makes makeup slide around as well as the sun protection film!

    Honestly the best skin type to have is normal skin lol, where it isn’t oily nor dry or slightly leans towards either side of the spectrum.

  11. I really liked the Inkey List Bakuchiol Moisturizer. I don’t think it has a high % but I liked it. I haven’t tried any others. I love Niacinamide. I started out with PC 10% then moved on to the Ordinary. I’m not sure my skin could handle 20% since I use .1% Retin-a.

  12. Yes niacinamide 20%, imo is unecessary. Generally I’m pretty sure the skin doesn’t really need more than 3% and I use my 10% everyday and night and sometimes when I apply too much of it when my skin is still damp, it can cause some irritation and I do use retinol and Vitamin C with it. I do like Paula’s Choice but they have so many things it can get overwhelming. I’m glad you will finally, lol be trying some of the Fourth Ray beauty products. The only two I thought were worth while to try was the hyaluronic acid serum & the Niacinamide of course. Thanks for the reviews Sarah. 💕💕

  13. Just a heads up that the ingredients list for the Derma E CBD Serum from the website don't match the ingredients list on the box. I've reached out to them multiple times on multiple platforms and I have not received a response.

    Just a reminder that a few years ago, Derma E was exposed after failing to include fragrance on the ingredients list for the Collagen and Peptide Serum, only to later admit that the product, did, in fact, contain fragrance and that it was "accidentally" left off.

    Needless to say I have exactly 0 trust in the company now so I have no reason to believe that the CBD Serum contains as much CBD as it claims

  14. Im thinking of ordering the peach & lily clay mask when its $30, 30% off at ulta nxt week. Not sure . I dont need it but im intrigued as i am with everything else 🤣i just know my skin does not need new products to try

  15. Thanks for reviewing these products. I was wondering about the 20% niacinamide. Which 10% product do you use? I’d be interested in a video about niacinamide options.

  16. I’m really liking the Herbivore Bakuchikol retinol especially since I’m more sensitive. Might have to look into Paula’s Choice after I finish this one.

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