The difference is felons can easily grow marijuana, they can't easily brew alcohol. This means felons can compete against the legal weed market. People don't understand the differences between alcohol prohibition and marijuana prohibition. They oversimplify the economics and think what happens in one case will happen in another. Weed legalization will continue to bring higher crime, but will eventually be oversupplied and have a price crash.
Cant stand the shit, never liked the smell of it or the attitudes of those who smoke it. It has ruined the state of colorado and ive been here 20 years so i know how much of a increase the crime and transient population is through the roof. This was the biggest mistake ever. Why should people who dont smoke it have to smell it and put up with homeless on every corner downtown.
this guy is so full of shit he must have been sucking out of an elephant rectum what a dick if he wants to bitch about drug use the streets there are covered with syringes crackheads stumbling down the streets everywhere you look if these people got their hands on some weed maybe they might come down for a minute
fuck me. big deal dickhead. ooooh more people growing weed. somebody save us!! This blokes biggest problem is someone illegally growing weed which people can then buy legally…
Crime went up because pot dealers aren't bright, they thought coming to Colorado would increase sales. What's funny is oversupply will absolutely destroy the weed market.
You know whats the difference between those that smoke weed and those that don't? People that smoke weed could care less about the people that dont…and the worst side affect of all time for smokers? Going to jail because you got caught using a plant by the police or ratted out by people who are good little government brainwashed puppets.Those type of people actually believe that the government doesn't lie and that they have your best interest.LOL!Such bullshit!
The issue is illegal immigration, not Cannabis. Currently, and for the last ten years or more, one hundred thousand illegal aliens cross the border every month. When illegal aliens arrive, they begin having children and immediately receive cash-aid, food-stamps, medical, and college grants. Horribly enough, but true, illegals also use Social Security Numbers that belong to law abiding United States citizens, to collect Social Security benefits and retirement, which has been a thirty year problem. Currently there are approximately twenty million illegal aliens in the United States; the majority using false names and false Social Security Numbers. The illegal's born here that you think are legal, they are using the false name given them by their illegal parents that came here using false names and false Social Security Numbers.
If you believe this you'd probably vote for a Democrat. Hilarious.
The difference is felons can easily grow marijuana, they can't easily brew alcohol. This means felons can compete against the legal weed market. People don't understand the differences between alcohol prohibition and marijuana prohibition. They oversimplify the economics and think what happens in one case will happen in another. Weed legalization will continue to bring higher crime, but will eventually be oversupplied and have a price crash.
That old man is roasting this bozo
The Brit is rude and doesnβt listen.
Lol okay bud, keep hating
Cant stand the shit, never liked the smell of it or the attitudes of those who smoke it. It has ruined the state of colorado and ive been here 20 years so i know how much of a increase the crime and transient population is through the roof. This was the biggest mistake ever. Why should people who dont smoke it have to smell it and put up with homeless on every corner downtown.
does anyone in the comment section live in this town or the state and can give us a unbiased report?
Leave it to ducking Fox
Propaganda that's all I can say. What is all the alcohol drinking doing to your state. Also Mr. May do you consume alcohol I'd bet you do.
this guy is so full of shit he must have been sucking out of an elephant rectum what a dick if he wants to bitch about drug use the streets there are covered with syringes crackheads stumbling down the streets everywhere you look if these people got their hands on some weed maybe they might come down for a minute
this is so dumb lamo
maybe Colorado is taxing to much so that the cartels can wiggle in
I don't think he's lying, in MI people driving high has gone up.
I hate when people are so uneducated and try to speak like they know their shit. This man is such an idiot ughh
fuck me. big deal dickhead. ooooh more people growing weed. somebody save us!!
This blokes biggest problem is someone illegally growing weed which people can then buy legally…
Marijuana business = Tulip bubble. Almost exactly the same. Weed is easily grown.
Crime went up because pot dealers aren't bright, they thought coming to Colorado would increase sales. What's funny is oversupply will absolutely destroy the weed market.
Cuban cartels lol
Before legalization cartels had no reason to go to Colorado, they usually stuck with states bordering Mexico
people wouldn't have to fight over it if the gov would get the fuck off it
You know whats the difference between those that smoke weed and those that don't? People that smoke weed could care less about the people that dont…and the worst side affect of all time for smokers? Going to jail because you got caught using a plant by the police or ratted out by people who are good little government brainwashed puppets.Those type of people actually believe that the government doesn't lie and that they have your best interest.LOL!Such bullshit!
The issue is illegal immigration, not Cannabis. Currently, and for the last ten years or more, one hundred thousand illegal aliens cross the border every month. When illegal aliens arrive, they begin having children and immediately receive cash-aid, food-stamps, medical, and college grants. Horribly enough, but true, illegals also use Social Security Numbers that belong to law abiding United States citizens, to collect Social Security benefits and retirement, which has been a thirty year problem.
Currently there are approximately twenty million illegal aliens in the United States; the majority using false names and false Social Security Numbers. The illegal's born here that you think are legal, they are using the false name given them by their illegal parents that came here using false names and false Social Security Numbers.
FAKE NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What about tobacco, what about alcohol y'all don't give a fuck if people die!!!
Oh wow, Fox false news propaganda! …."I'm so surprised!…." Said by no one!π²
Yea a interesting debate that guy was on drugs
Everybody going there to Colorado for the marijuana trade it's called capitalism you God damn assholes
I don't buy it Mr.May.Typical political freak.Do not trust any of them.That's Why we have President Trump.
Bullshit. Hold another election and turf this asshole.
Of course it's from super credible Fox News.
If the black market existed. Bunch of homeyβs with still have a job
Fake news
something about this doesn't jive with reality ..allow the people to grow their own …i hate listening to this bs propaganda
This dudes full of shit….
The police and the government kill more people over marijuana than the cartels ever have.
The government is committing more crimes than ever before we need to ban government.
Stand up people