Smoking Weed Was Holding Me Back (30 years old not to late)

Are you trying to quit smoking weed? Are you struggling with weed addiction or marijuana addiction ? If you are trying to quit …


  1. People overlook it but Iā€™ve been seriously struggling with weed. Iā€™m moving in with a clearheaded friend in another state so hopefully that will help me to do a life switch and kick it for good.

  2. Been sober from 1st March, bought a pack for 4x normal price and threw it all away after having a joint, just to make sure I'm really into this. Now it's 1 week post that flipping joint. Hope God holds me with his hands this time firmly

  3. What's your opinion on quitting multiple crutches at the same time? I'm 46 hours clean from nicotine, weed, porn and xanax and overall I'm doing pretty good BUT I Know some of those will have varying withdrawal timelines.
    I've quit fentanyl cold turkey (1 year 9 months) and still dealing with occasional PAWS.

  4. To anyone struggling, the hard times get less and less. Coming up on 4 months this weekend and honestly, if you successfully brainwash yourself it gets so much easier. This channel has become my daily ritual and I highly encourage everyone here to make it a part of their day as well. In the span of a third of a year just that one change has slowly started to make the life I want possible. I put life on hold for a plant for 13 years and I'm starting to see all of the benefits that I thought it was giving me for all of those years.

  5. I want to quit. I dont want to quit. I want quit i dont want quit.
    Every morning im positive and ready to quitā€¦. Come afternoon im txting my dealer.
    I feel guilty for going against ur advice and my own.
    The thought of quitting drives me up the wall. Im at work thinking about quitting all day to the point i just want to get high. My mind is going crazy. Im stressed im depressed and indescicive. I know all the advice to give myselfā€¦.. why am i stuck. Why do i not want to truely change.
    I want to give up and i hate myself for it.

  6. Hey man itā€™s been 7/8 months I quit smoking but now I vape. Bad mistake I wish you can make a compilation of peoples life after quitting everything. Like a detailed relief story would be nice. I still feel stressed.

  7. So, I decided last week, when my stash was getting low, but I also was running out of money for March by the 10th.. so I canā€™t buy, and it felt like the right moment. So I told my parents, asked for them to keep my debit card for a few weeks, gave all my rolling stuff to my sister and only then found you. Like you say, I had to make the choice, but your videoā€™s and the suggestion of the grounded app makes it so you are now my most watched channel. I hope soon I wonā€™t need your channel anymore, which is a sad but necesary part of this change. I wonā€™t ever unsubscribe, because you need to be found by many. I have not gotten serious withdrawal, but was on 2 grams a day for like 5 years now. So the next days may be rough, but I feel like I will succeed already. A few very supporting friends, my family who want to help without doing it for me, and your channel for when they are sleeping like now and I need some motivation! I will post again as soon as I feel like you did your job, and will recommend you to every one who even suggests they are considering quitting any addiction. Thank you for what mental fortitude you are already giving me, and for the things to come. Canā€™t wait to be done with weed and move on!

  8. I'm on day 11 with your help Dr. Thank you! This plant has kept me single and childless. I'm excited for a relationship someday! Let's do this guys! Sending everyone loving support šŸ„°

  9. Just stumbled upon this channel. I'm heavy cannabis smoker. I'm 40, I drink beer (about 4 – 8 pints) a day almost everyday, but not everyday. I'm in ok shape physically, but it's left over fitness from my earlier days. Not much progress happening anyways,
    I pretty sure it's time to quit.
    The frequency of feeling like I'm stroking out or my heart is exploding is starting to concern me. Sweaty palms, impending doom, cant breathe etc…I can't even smoke weed without gaging through the whole joint… yeah… it's time!

  10. I have an amazing person showing up in my life.
    She's unbelievable to say the least.
    in all trust there is possibility of betrayal.
    Pornograhy will destroy your marriage.
    Remove it from yoou life.
    I Learned that she looses the FEELING
    when we continue to make serious mistakes.
    Dont learn the hard way like I did.
    Once you let it all go your free.šŸ˜Ž
    Juice those whole lemons

  11. almost 3 months ago i ended my relationship with weed, nic & AC which lead to strengthening the relationship with my soon to be fiance, my professional life and most importantly my connection to god.

    Highly recommend starting the journey today.

  12. I was smoking from a pipe 5 – 7 times a day, i wasn't even doing it to chill out but just to cover up pain. I've been clean for 3 months and i'm not missing it plus my health is improving massively.

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