SSR Case: Will India Make Marijuana Legal? | NewsMo

Marijuana is illegal in India. Marijuana is categorized in the same group as other hard narcotic drugs. You might be shocked to …


  1. Yeah marijuana should be legal in india its very usefull almost everyone use marijuana in india illegally so its good to legalize marijuana use in india after all marijuana is legalized in most of the countries around the world

  2. They will never legalize cannabis because if then every man will be rich and every man will run for MLAs and MDCs because they will have money for campaign.

  3. 1.5~ Millon deaths due to alcohol
    1.6~ millions deaths due to tobacco
    0 deaths due to consuming Just PURE WEED(the reason for caps is because of the adulteration, combining it with other drugs, even that are leagal)
    Hence weed is illegal and alcohol, and other tobacco products are legal..well done!👏👏

  4. 🇮🇳 Back to roots, back to Ayurved, back to Atharva Ved🙏🌿

    Hope Capitalists, bureaucrats, allopathy cartel wake-up to their KARMA or commen citizens will have to teach them a lesson, history repeats.

    Shameless to see Alcohol and Cigarettes are sold as we see today in 🇮🇳 and we want to call over self as country of intelligent citizens.

    Don't shamelessly waste money on research, it's already their in "BPN" in Atharva Ved , need more clarification, I welcome you 🙏🌿

    Youths must not give up and continue to raise awareness and work on ground, read, research. Cannabis is NOT a Drug , definitely not that gives side effects for free like 💊 🍺 🚬
    Sooo let Cannabis be free as before 1984 🙏🇮🇳 or Mahadev's curse will prevail 🕉

  5. Anyways people are consuming this and if banning cannabis is helping someone then its corrupt officers and criminals an average person just wanna stay peacefully and he is the one who is suffering government announce them criminal for that they want us to buy cigarettes which is more harmful just for their own benefits our own government is exploiting us for their revenue

  6. Stop calling it DRUG FOR GOD SAKE. GOD Would be ashamed of us, a natural plant is being called a drug but alcohol and cig are openly being sold. I feel pity on people who think Cannabis is dangerous

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