The growing acceptance of legalizing marijuana

ABC News’ Alex Presha looks at the fight to legalize marijuana nationwide and how advocates hope decriminalizing marijuana …


  1. All this country needs is a fail proof test to legally determine if a person who is being tested is under the influence. Currently there is no test to determine this and this has brought too much conflict in lawful actions at employeed work where OSHA mandates must be followed or risk being sued. Alcohol can be tested instantly for determined BA levels that can determine actions to follow. Once a rapid test to accurately determine how much a person is under the influence of cannabis, then it can be legalized and prosecuted for violations of exceeding legal limits.

  2. Seeing the changes in points of view on marijuana in just the last 5 decades is astounding. Anyone who has smoked it in this lifetime knows that the stigma against it is unjust and unwarranted. It makes me so happy to see that we can now (in most places) be able to smoke a pipe at the end of the day in peace and use it in a medical setting to help with ailments. or set & chill Just goes to show how your government can spin a narrative for their own agendas.

  3. For those of you saying that smoking marijuana is a sin I digress it is not a sin to smoke marijuana it is a sin to use any substance to escape your reality. It is not a sin to use substances to cure ailments and illnesses. You have cannabinoid receptors in your brain you don’t have receptors for alcohol or any other type of herb. Considering that cancer kills itself in the presence of THC cells should be proof enough that this plant is in fact medicinal. But to say that God does not want us using it is in fact a lie! In Exodus chapter 30 God commands Moses to put together in anointing oil. He commands Moses to use five ingredients now if God commanded Moses to use five ingredients would Moses be breaking a commandment if he forgot one of them? One of those ingredients is called kaneh bosem and what that is is marijuana. Later in God‘s word we see where Jesus healed some lepers he used an anointing oil that was the same anointing oil in the same recipe that was given to Moses by God. Medical science has now proven that cannabis oil can in fact cure leprosy. So to say that it is a sin is a lie. Focus on the 10 Commandments and the two greater Commandments and you’ll do much better in life stop trying to micromanage every human being you meet.

  4. Well I'm going to have to say I definitely stand with the Democrats on this issue I guess it's time to step up and possibly become a member of the community for the community the Democrats used to stand for something great perhaps we can get back to that with the logistics of equality
    For instance our government is supposed to represent the people but almost 100% of the people say one thing as the government says something else how are they representing the people it's time for someone to stand for the truth and the light of equality for All humanity someone not influenced by greed I need to have some things expunged for my record perhaps Biden could help me with that then I would run for Illinois governor you see the strongest states in the Union are Republican states I believe the Democrats can take that role but it's going to take a strategically sound mind and somebody with vision fortunately I have both I like to watch both sides because it's hard to strategically plan moves if you don't know your opponent stand with me and let's make Democrats great again we need to have 85% approval ratings as are all time low

  5. If you believe that the Bible is true and what God said on the third day and he said it was good it should be made legal every where if you have to be 21 to drink alcohol than do the same thing

  6. Those Dope heads won’t that dope to smoke and it looks like they’re gonna get it they even change the name instead of marijuana they call it medical marijuana It’s as medical as a bottle of Jack Daniel‘s next year we’ll have medical crack

  7. Ah yes…the “growing acceptance” of the crazy fringe idea that I own my body, and the right to consume whatever I please…Grow the hell up America.

  8. How can a plant that Mother Nature gives us be illegal jus cuz the government want it who tf are they to tell us what we can use. They put drugs in our medicine an chemicals in our food

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