Colorado and Washington state expect to make millions in tax revenue off of legalizing marijuana, and the country could earn …
I believe if weed was legal in all states that each state will benefit from it. Everything from rebuilding infrastructure, re-opening hospitals that r being closed down, raises for teachers minimum wage hike, more indugent health care clinics with real Drs, funding for those who can't afford their meds, the list goes on and on. All states could wipe out their deficit. We as a country have to learn how to think whole, we can all benefit from it. We have to learn to work smarter not harder. Its easy to work harder. Here is something God put on this earth and has been medicinally used for 100's of years very successfully, let it work for us, let it re-boot the economy of this nation. Let it employ the unemployed, and let it help the sick and dying. Let us move forward as a leader n this new/old industry and realize how much good can come from the taxes to be made from it, instead of keeping certain states n the dark ages.
Billions of dollars go to weed every year. Will they go to taxes if weed is legal or will they go to criminal and corruption as usual it is everywhere. Weed exists everywhere. In every country. And if you have eny illusions or political populism…. everywhere. Even where there is death penalty for drugs.
You know what the real story is all that new tax income they getting. Bet the people will see zero improvements to there way of life. Just more money to are thieving masters to collect. Anyone msg me if you even see a 5th of that money doing any good in that state that collects all this new tax money.
Lets see the projected cost of more law enforcement needed to control the increases marijuana related crimes such as black market sales, illegal cultivation, distribution, exposure and use by under aged children. The projected cost of healthcare issues from addiction and treatment of the mental and physical harms. And all the legal cost from lawsuits by families of victims of the increasing and on the rise motor vehicle accidents and fatalities when someone is killed or injured on the highway due to marijuana impaired drivers, who's going to pay for all that? It should be those politicians who legalized and turned loose on our highways our schools and work places another mind altering addictive physically imparmenting drug legalized for profit over public safety and health. Project a little of that cost why don't you.
if you are a Californian please consider voting YES on proposition 64 on the November 8th election to legalize marijuana. deadline to register to vote is 15 days before November 8th. thank you.
Taking MONEY away from drug cartels and making so much tax revenue is icing on the cake but only 1 problem DIRTY DEA doesn't want to legalize cannabis for the reason that they help drug cartels smuggle in drugs into the USA in exchange for money if they legalize cannabis its going to make a huge hole in there DIRTY CURUPT POCKETS
Makes since to pass Obama care We pay for the "care" and in a few years when pots leagle they tax us on pot that going to be used to treat 80% of the shit wrong with us
In South Africa cannabis is illegal and you get arrested for the possession of a few seeds or any amount of cannabis even if it is a tiny amount. There are people who are in prison for life, imprisoned with murderers, gangsters, serial killers and serial rapists because they smoked a marijuana "joint" and was caught in possession of a partially smoked joint, or they had a "bong" "hit" worth of marijuana in their possession. This means that you will be arrested if you are in possession of less than 0,2 gram worth of cannabis. In a country where we have people dying of starvation, and cannabis is the solution, the earth is abundant with resources, we have the highest rate of murder and rape in the world, we also have the highest number of violent crimes in the world, we live in the most dangerous country in the world, our people are suffering and are victims, our women are disrespected, yet our government wastes its money on enforcing a law which prohibits this plant. On average a police station in South Africa arrests 5 cannabis users every day. These are non-violent "criminals", while we have gangsters, murderers and rapists freely roaming our streets making our country a dangerous and deadly place to live in. Government must stop with what they are currently doing and spend our tax money to catch the real criminals, something which they are failing at miserably.
I believe if weed was legal in all states that each state will benefit from it. Everything from rebuilding infrastructure, re-opening hospitals that r being closed down, raises for teachers minimum wage hike, more indugent health care clinics with real Drs, funding for those who can't afford their meds, the list goes on and on. All states could wipe out their deficit. We as a country have to learn how to think whole, we can all benefit from it. We have to learn to work smarter not harder. Its easy to work harder. Here is something God put on this earth and has been medicinally used for 100's of years very successfully, let it work for us, let it re-boot the economy of this nation. Let it employ the unemployed, and let it help the sick and dying. Let us move forward as a leader n this new/old industry and realize how much good can come from the taxes to be made from it, instead of keeping certain states n the dark ages.
Billions of dollars go to weed every year. Will they go to taxes if weed is legal or will they go to criminal and corruption as usual it is everywhere. Weed exists everywhere. In every country. And if you have eny illusions or political populism…. everywhere. Even where there is death penalty for drugs.
Now we just need to tax churches and legalize , regulate and tax prostitution. POOF will go our national debt.
You know what the real story is all that new tax income they getting. Bet the people will see zero improvements to there way of life. Just more money to are thieving masters to collect. Anyone msg me if you even see a 5th of that money doing any good in that state that collects all this new tax money.
Beautiful view
And we need Good Merry Jane!!!! Peace in Earth!!!!! From,,TENNESSEE!!!
Yo this goes to politicians
Lets see the projected cost of more law enforcement needed to control the increases marijuana related crimes such as black market sales, illegal cultivation, distribution, exposure and use by under aged children. The projected cost of healthcare issues from addiction and treatment of the mental and physical harms. And all the legal cost from lawsuits by families of victims of the increasing and on the rise motor vehicle accidents and fatalities when someone is killed or injured on the highway due to marijuana impaired drivers, who's going to pay for all that? It should be those politicians who legalized and turned loose on our highways our schools and work places another mind altering addictive physically imparmenting drug legalized for profit over public safety and health. Project a little of that cost why don't you.
if you are a Californian please consider voting YES on proposition 64 on the November 8th election to legalize marijuana. deadline to register to vote is 15 days before November 8th. thank you.
Thanks for the over stand

LEGALIZE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Taking MONEY away from drug cartels and making so much tax revenue is icing on the cake but only 1 problem DIRTY DEA doesn't want to legalize cannabis for the reason that they help drug cartels smuggle in drugs into the USA in exchange for money if they legalize cannabis its going to make a huge hole in there DIRTY CURUPT POCKETS
Just legalize it because it's the right thing to do!
Just legalize it because our country needs that money
Makes since to pass Obama care We pay for the "care" and in a few years when pots leagle they tax us on pot that going to be used to treat 80% of the shit wrong with us
I like Dan Riffles work.
but will the new tax revenue go where it's needed or, like the lottery, be siphoned into a discretionary fund or monetary 'black hole'?
Every one should take close note to clint andrews comment below.
In South Africa cannabis is illegal and you get arrested for the possession of a few seeds or any amount of cannabis even if it is a tiny amount. There are people who are in prison for life, imprisoned with murderers, gangsters, serial killers and serial rapists because they smoked a marijuana "joint" and was caught in possession of a partially smoked joint, or they had a "bong" "hit" worth of marijuana in their possession. This means that you will be arrested if you are in possession of less than 0,2 gram worth of cannabis. In a country where we have people dying of starvation, and cannabis is the solution, the earth is abundant with resources, we have the highest rate of murder and rape in the world, we also have the highest number of violent crimes in the world, we live in the most dangerous country in the world, our people are suffering and are victims, our women are disrespected, yet our government wastes its money on enforcing a law which prohibits this plant. On average a police station in South Africa arrests 5 cannabis users every day. These are non-violent "criminals", while we have gangsters, murderers and rapists freely roaming our streets making our country a dangerous and deadly place to live in. Government must stop with what they are currently doing and spend our tax money to catch the real criminals, something which they are failing at miserably.