This Farm Went From Raising Chickens to Growing Hemp

An increasing number of farmers want out of animal agriculture. Meet the Halley family, who—with the help of Mercy For Animals’ …


  1. The animal agriculture industry is a dead end road to nowhere, killing billions of animals for profit while making our society sick and causing the demise of our planet. Future pandemics will surely come as a result of our exploitation of animals if lessons are not learned about the treatment of animals in our society. We must look beyond unconsciously adopting societal norms and instead consider our mindless consumption of animals. We must come to this realization, abandon our selfish ways and consciously open our hearts with reverence for all beings on our planet. The ONLY prevention for future pandemics is veganism in a new world culture of reverence for ALL living beings. It is only then that world health will be restored and our society will be restored to sanity and sanctity. – Director, CRY OF THE INNOCENT: The Voices That Can't Speak

    The Revolution of Soul in Social Justice

  2. stop calling them farmers, cause their no longer farmers if they aren't farming animals to eat for food 🙄 they're more like gardeners now omg

  3. What a great story to watch! I only just learned about the Transfarmation project (what a brilliant name) and it warmes my heart to see that MFA is so deeply involved in helping farmers improve their business this way ♥

  4. This is such an inspirational story. I've written a children's book being released later on this year which touches on this subject and that not all farmers are bad at all, and we all need to support them in finding better ways. I would love to connect. I have a Facebook group (and youtube and instagram) called COOK VEGAN. Would be great to have you on and if you are ever in Cyprus welcome you to our vegan friendly five star hotel 🙂

  5. god bless you, you’re doing such a great job you’re legendary thank you so much for supporting vegan community and making earth a better place and help to live sustainably.

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