Turmeric: A Hope for Stroke Patients

The spice that flavors curries may have double benefits for stroke patients. Leslie Ritter, PhD, RN, FAAN, a professor in the UA …


  1. How can i keep shut after beating herpes that has been marked incurable by the medical doctors ! herbal Dr Ogudugu on YouTube helped me cure the herpes simplex permanently with his roots and herbs supplement remedy.

  2. Hello Friend am so happy to give this testimony about an Africa herbalist doctor called Dr Ogudugu on YouTube who save my life from a herpes virus that almost took my life away.

  3. I had a stroke from covid in December 2021 both left ischemic and right frontal lobes. Still, I'm having a bit of trouble, speaking in steps. it's been a year now. Can turmeric help me?

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  7. i just had a stroke, im tired, evertim i open a stroke video i get the same info, stroke explanation from basics, please just go straight to the hope bit not repeating same info stroke101 over and over, its difficult to concentrate after a stroke, we get too tired to listen for long so stop the video before the new info is presented and miss out.

  8. Dr Awole is like a God in human form, I permanently got a complete healing after using the roots and herbs supplements I ordered from Dr Awole on YouTube for Eliminating my long term HSV 1&2….

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