'UK ministers are being urged to promote electric bikes for the masses'

‘UK ministers are being urged to promote electric bikes for the masses’ Mark Dolan, LeoKearse and Sajeela Kershi cover news …


  1. People who say we need to get cars off the road and get people walking and cycling more, never actually mean themselves, they mean YOU! They're too busy and too important.

  2. You cant park a motorbike outside work because of gyppos lifting them into the back of vans. They would have a field day with lots full of expensive cycles.

  3. London centric point of view again. Try cycling in hilly regions of the UK, or where buses come once an hour. When all you see is London, all you see is regular cheap transport that negates requiring a car. 🤦🏻‍♂️

  4. Pushing electric powered bikes when the cost of electricity has doubled 🤔
    🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Oh this vampiric government does make me laugh. They're not even trying to hide the fact they're want to bleed people dry.

  5. I have ever heard so much bullshit in my life i think its about time we get into the parliament and the PMS office and see how bad theres bickheads have fucked this all up

  6. I have been looking to buy an e-bike for some time. However, they are a grand, would not save any money. Not safe to use on main roads, and it is too cold to use for half the year.
    I will still eventually buy one though.

  7. There is no climate crisis. I have no doubt the World Economic Forum is pushing for electric bikes for the masses. The traitors in government clearly works for the globalist "elites" and not the people of this country.

  8. Tbh I would love a fast electric bike for recreational purposes but living out where I do the nearest town is about 7 or 8 miles away, work is over 10 miles away and even the closest place to do a regular food shop is around 5 miles away. A car is the only practical solution im sorry to say. I cant carry enough bags back by hand on the bus let alone while cycling on a bike. Life outside of the M25 is very different it might surprise some people to know! We dont all live in a big metropolis and I honestly wouldnt want to.

  9. Ebike supply chains are already fucked and more than 18 months delayed, because of terrible government pandemic policies. Now, those who were already interested in owning will have to wait even longer. When will the government simply get out of the way.

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