1. Interesting experiment. You can't felt cellulose fibers like you can animal based fibers. Wool and such have small scales on the fiber that "open up" in wet condition and grab onto each other like small hooks. This is also the reason why wool fabric shrinks after washing. You can see a picture of these scales by following this link https://www.quora.com/How-do-wool-and-other-fabrics-shrink Cellulose based fibers like hemp and cotton do not have these scales. however, you can probably make a non-woven type fabric by needle-punching which create a natural entanglement and hold even smooth fibers by friction.

  2. No you can't felt hemp like wool. You have to let the fiber dry completely before moving it pressing it on a screen to remove the water and then let dry. You can take the wet fiber laying on the screen, turning the screen over onto a dry surface as it peels off the screen to let it dry

  3. DUDE I'm pretty sure your supposed to squeeze out the most of the water before you pick up the felted material. Use that window screen (Reinforced) over a bucket and press it really hard!

    If you can do it that way it should not fall apart!

  4. I saw this video after I successfully made a plant based felt, not out of hemp but from wild nettle. what I found to do is not to rett the fibers but boil the fibers while green in a baking soda solution and then beating them into a flat sheet with beater such as a meat tenderizer or rolling pin but any rounded log with a handle would do just fine. the reason why the fibers are not binding in your case is because plant fibers like hemp don't have microscopic hooks like animal hair.

  5. I am a 'felter'. I use wool. Hemp by itself is not a good fiber to felt. It is a baste fiber, not protein and doesn't shrink or have 'scales' which are what help wool felt into a good solid fabric. You can however, blend hemp "tow" with wool and felt that. In 'the old days' they would blend Flax tow with wool, called Linsey Woolsey, and felt that or spin it and weave it into fabric. The function of flax or hemp in that respect is strength, not 'felting' that is the wools job, and warmth.

  6. I’m totally talking out of my arse on this subject. But when you card a fiber you are creating an orientation to the fibers, usually as a step before making yarn. If you are felting, don’t you want the fiber orientation to be random? It seems like that would add strength in all directions.
    Maybe use an approach similar to making paper.
    1)Create a slurry of fibers in a tub with a screen on the bottom.
    2)Lift the screen and filter out the fibers on the screen
    3)Let the water drain out, then flip over the fiber on a surface to dry
    4)Then look at the camera and tell me I’m an idiot and don’t know what I’m talking about

  7. Really liking the videos, but best to get a tripod for your camera; the hand held is very hard to watch. Looking forward to more hemp content. p.s. your daughter is adorable 🙂

  8. From the beginning you were off key. Like first you need someone to do it for you and when it failed you can run him down to make you feel better. If it had of worked you then take all the credit and make fun of your helpers shoes , alcoholic mother or whatever. Just never let the blame of a failure fall back on you.
    This is actually a true story here. My Grandpa and me would buy up all the goats we could get and sell to the Mexicans. They were always ready to BBQ a whole goat. Anyway a woman wanted us to come and check out her rabbit and goat fiber operation. She made carding that dander into felt and ready to spin yarn look like a children's game. She wanted us to buy like 19-15 goats ,and rabbits. The market was there for fresh carded felt or yarn as well. After talking around we found out that it took a long time to get proficient at doing that work and the lady who was showing us the how to's had been doing it her entire life and was a master at it. Later we found out that she had suckered bunches of small timers into buying a bunch of goats , rabbits ,+++the carding , sheering ,wool washing equipment. The excited buyer had watched her do the entire process and with hardly any effort had $$$$$$$ worth of usable products , then the new buyer tries to follow up with how they had seen it done and end up with a total loss and a mess.
    The process was interesting to me ,and I'd love to learn it. You could keep the same animals for a long time and get close to them and make money off of them without having to be processed for meat.

  9. A couple of suggestions. Are you a member of the Ravelry.com site? You may want join and post your questions there, it is free. Have you considered using this with wool as a blend? A blending board would be useful to mix the fibers together to blend.

  10. They are in the process of approving growing of hemp here in Iowa. A farmer friend said the licenses to grow it are all controlled by the elite and a normal farmer has no chance of getting a license. It's a corrupt world we live in.

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