1. Hey Phil, whenever you talk about the US implicating a “no fly zone,” can you explain what such a move actually means. (I.e. we have to shoot Russian planes out of the sky which leads to war between the US And Russia) I think it’s important that people get a full picture before they support a move that has serious consequences.

  2. People took the "there are unrealistic body standards for women, that's unfair" thing the completely wrong way. We meant that we should not have those, damn it, not that men should also be tortured by them. Just let people have normal, human bodies.

    Honestly when I see these guys I just want to give them all giant bowls of pasta…

  3. thr world is so damned lucky magic isn't real and i'm not sorcerer supreme
    otherwise using words like social equity would garner instant magic Gibbs smacks hard enough to rattle brains

  4. i know a lot of people who sit on their ass whining about how poor they are
    blowing $100+ a month on lotto cards and cigarettes
    no investments, no attempt to better themselves just hoping for free money to change their situation

  5. when has kim k been lazy? she out there hustling like a hungry MoFo
    she got her thumb in all the pies, wtf is lazy about her?
    yes she had a good starting place
    a lot of similar good starting place people sat around and went bankrupt
    starting poor is an excuse

  6. It's genuinely baffling that people think Kim and her family don't work and haven't worked for decades. You can't get to that amount of wealthiness without putting in work. Especially running multiple businesses. It might not be fast food, but they did work in retail for a long time at their stores in LA. Just dumb.

  7. I'd argue that most men I know have an unhealthy relationships with food and likely have body dysmorphia, I'm glad people are bringing attention to it.

    also, the Kardashians are all parasitic opportunists with little to no work ethic but unlimited resources to leech from and smart people strategically making them richer but LOL Kim, yeah, you tell em

  8. I would so love for Kim K to work my full time job, take care of her family and home with no staff, and working a side-hustle. She would die.

  9. My blood boils every time I hear "no body wants to work". No, people are working, just not the retail/food industry position you relentlessly abuse. That's the real reason people don't work those positions anymore

  10. The Kardashians are also strategic. She may have planned to make this gross asinine comment to bring a new controversy tithe news cycle to detract from Kanye's meltdown where he's speaking about her children!

  11. Stan has been talking about this since the Marvel movies, people just tend to have a limited attention span for when men speak out about body issues related to men. Which is sad because this is a good insight considering that body positivity is constantly being battered by the 'It's (fat) is so unhealthy' whilst 'healthy' looking or assumed physiques are (sometimes) obtained by unhealthy practices. Loads of good convos out there were should be having as a society but aren't.

    As for the Kim thing, I've noticed that the same folks that say 'no-one wants to work these days' are the same folks who expect workers to be underpaid, come in on their off days, cancel their scheduled vacations and offer little to no benefits or punish workers who actually make use of a benefit, claiming they aren't a 'team player'.

    And honestly, there is a reason its called work and not super-happy-fun-time. Even if you love your job, it still takes effort, hard work ect so I understand why a worker isn't willing to do more than the bare minimum with meh effort for an employer that treats them like disposable garbage.

  12. Real funny! I guess I’m lazy with my 3 jobs, barely making ends meet because you need a 6 figure salary to live almost anywhere these days. And my primary job is not considered a non skilled job- veterinary technician!
    On top of that I work a second job and moonlight doing pet sitting. I love when my doctor tells me to “make time to work out” and that I need to set aside “me time” 🤣🤣

  13. Does anyone else have their brains wobble when the government spending is mentioned… Billions here Trillions being allocated there yet we can't get a regular 9-5 that gives full healthcare or more than 30k a year, but corporations can get tax write-offs to save them millions 🤦🏻‍♂️

  14. Here's a nugget of Truth: the powers in control are very worried. The level of subliminal manipulation is at an all time high and with the pandemic showing Americans that there is something wrong with the system and now they are having to push people to go back to crushing themselves trying to get to survival and it's falling apart. The whole idea of a pampered priss telling people to get off their asses and work is meant to rekindle the subconscious need to be active and participate when for so long we have had to do the opposite. These manipulations are hardwired and they have been studying it for almost a century. Don't tell me that I'm crazy. Pay attention to the picture. See the pretty patterns? Don't you want something? Isn't it easier to just let someone else tell you what to do?

  15. Stan's comment about body dysmorphia (anyone that has a healthy physique) isn't accurate. I understand what he was getting at, but it is simply imprecise and a generalized portrayal; it is a misleading thing to say. This seems to be happening a lot lately from hollywood celebrities talking about mental health issues and body image

  16. Making claims that Russia is attacking civilians after Ukraine is arming civilians and declaring laws that civs can shoot soldiers indiscriminately❗⁉

  17. Well… most regular ppl can’t afford to employ a staff to help them everyday with tasks im sure Kim doesn’t really deal with! Or have private nannies (nor can afford child care) so they can send hours upon hours working day or night… Plus most women work VERY HARD and get paid less.. sooooooo 😕

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