1. South Africa police is one of the best in Africa.. they have always tried to stop crime … always.. South Africa is big and have sophisticated criminals because South Africa does have World class standards and criminals are World class and dangerous too..
    Police has always apprehended big crimes in South Africa.. Dudula’s contribution is appreciated but they need to leave everything to the Police..

  2. Real criminals are not on taxi ranks going home for Easter. Had they been in Hillbrow or hijacked buildings then I would be applauding them and the reporters would not be so calm 🤔😡

  3. Finally cleaning up that dump but there is no point cleaning up but and no one gets sentenced etc. On the good side at least there is pressure from the police

  4. Good 👍👍👍 work 💪👷👏👌👍 saps ,keep on fighting crime ,give us the community a cellphone ,so that we can contact you ,may Lord the Almighty keep on blessing you and your families 👪🙏🙌😀

  5. Have a look at those boys also who look smart and clean asking to assist you to carry your luggage to the bus station and book tickets for you. They rob people inside the station or use that other quite route to mugg you. For carrying your luggage even if you refuse they ask for huge amounts of money otherwise they take you phone or force you to the ATMs. I fell victim once

  6. Just yesterday Zimbabweans robbed an electronics shop on Bree and Eloff street. I tried to make noise and they told me they will kill me. South Africa is controlled by the Zimbabwean government.

  7. This has NEVER happened before, great to see a Sleeping Giant has being woken up😄Now let's see for how long all these different departments will be actually doing their work.

  8. The people shall govern operation Dudula we thank,we never knew we have police force in South Africa.They ANC will pretend to do something elections are very close.They want our votes

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