Are you looking for a beauty box that is cruelty free, vegan friendly and supports indie brands? The Bijou Box might be just the box …


  1. I have heard about a massage candle,with different eccensielle oils. So please do a review on this one !!!!
    I love using body oils. But I only have my Nuxe dry oil. Use it every where. I do prefer the orginal scent.

    So glad that you are feeling better

  2. That candle sounds gorgeous, Neom have one which I got early last year and it was absolutly so relaxing and felt fantastic on my skin. I tried it on my stomach first then finally used it on my face and I loved it, was rather sad when it finished as it was expensive but later last year I was told I was allergic to a few essential oils so cantus it anymore. I think you will love it Marcia. The box as a whole looks fantastic but my allergies won't let me enjoy enough of these to make it a box I could use which is a shame as I could do with a pamper.
    As always stay safe xx 😘❤

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