1. Did y’all catch that? FDA approved synthetic drug. Fda has no incentive to study a plant therefor it makes a synthetic drug off it. Hence why drugs are synthetic that way they can sell them to you and parent them and you can’t grow a cure from your back yard.

    Cannabis works best and previous synthetic version of it have not achieved the same results. They need to stop doing this for money and actually study it and if it’s good naturally let it be.

  2. Digesting the plant will yield the nutrients and will not activate the psychoactive effects, but burning the plant destroys the nutrients and activates the psychoactive effects…

    i cannot link the research article here (its on sciencedirect website) but all parts of the plant have these acids in varying amounts with higher concentrations found in the leaves and flower…

    with that being said, i have been taking manitoba harvest hemp protein for a long time now and it has all essential amino acids the human body needs and you need no other source of protein…

    I never feel malnourished and i have not been sick in years…

  3. It helped me with my migranes when I had covid. My friend's were doing it too and told me the same. Tyelnol and those otc are not going to help with the migranes. (im not a smoker so i had to get the edibles)

  4. Why the hell are they working on synthetic weed when they can just say GROW YOUR OWN …wow these corrupt bastards couldn't care less about your health or anymore about your wallet !!!

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