1. I was on board until I saw The Urantia Book in the background. We have a Urantia based cult here in Arizona and it's pretty darn goofy.

  2. Do you think this would work for my very ferel cat? I need to trim her nails badly. I've tried everything….I can't even get her into the burrito position. I need her to relax big time. Thanks in advance of your answer Dr.

  3. Hello does CBD oil have to be made specifically for cats? I think I have some here but it’s not a cat brand or anything just normal for humans too so would that work

  4. What about thoes calming collars?
    My mom died and I am trying to adopt her cat. Just got her from under my house where she was there 7 days! Only had her 1 1/2 days and she was out of here. Now i have her in the bathroom and she has stopped eating again.
    My home is just so nuch louder and busier than my moms. I'm so sad she seems to hate it here.
    I'll have too get het sone cbd oil.
    I could give her the physco active right now. What do you think?

  5. I have an extremely hyperactive 1 year old male cat. He will still cuddle and play but has multiple instances a day of just full sprinting across my apartment for hours, bouncing off furniture and running on the walls. I do have a second cat and the instances of this extreme hyperactivity have somewhat decreased but not a lot. Do you think cbd would be worth trying for him?

  6. Doctor Jones where can I can order CBD there’s a lot of beneficial for cats. I am your new subscriber and your channel is a big help to all animal lovers especially cats and dogs

  7. i smoke cbd weed around my cat and it calms him down
    he likes to climb furniture and zoom around , hes kind of squirley i smoked some cbd with him in the room, with the door open so he could leave if he wanted. and he was very relaxed and sleepy

  8. Hi Dr Jones. Could CBD oil be helpful for kittens with sneezing and inflamed/watery eyes? I've tried so many things with no real success. Our local vets don't test and just say it's probably viral and just give them antibiotics/anti inflammatories and see how you go. As a family we avoid antibiotics for us humans so I'd love to find something more gentle and effective to help our kittens. Any advice would be amazing!!

  9. I just stared to grow indoors and I was wondering why my cat kept (keeps) on trying to get inside. I thought he was trying to tell me something, now your video is clarification

  10. Hi Doctor, I love your videos. I have a question I would really appreciate if you can lead me in the right direction. My cat has been diagnosed with plasma cell potodermatitas (not sure I pronounced it correctly) and have her on medication, her paws and skin are scaley, itchy and patchy is there anything I can do to help that's all natural that can help her? I would hate to have her on medication long term and if you have info or videos you can give me I would so much appreciate it. Thank you. 🐈🐾🐾🙏🏻

  11. I purchased your CBD oil for pets a couple of months ago for my elderly female cat with advanced kidney disease. It really helped with her nausea at the end of her life. She was 18 years old. The CBD oil is a wonderful product that really helped her feel better when nothing else did. It also made it clear to me that the previous so-called CBD oil I purchased from a local pet store was nothing more than food grade hemp oil. The 2 bottles were night and day. Your oil is the highest quality I've seen. Thank you Dr. Jones for making this available. 🙂 Our newest member of the family, Chester, a big 2 year old orange tabby has been spray/marking just outside the litter boxes lately. I'm not sure what has him feeling territorial but I'm now using the CBD oil on him as it has such a calming effect. 🙂

  12. We have a senior cat that has multiple health problems including undiagnosed breathing problems. The vets want to do $6000 of tests to get answers. We are looking for another way to help our 16 year old cat, I hope this works for her.

  13. Dr. Andrew Jones. I love your video and you bring pet parents good products and suggestions. So do you know the bile acid which is used on pet liver support supplement? I would be very appreciate if receive your reply

  14. I was giving my 7 yr old cat, Rex CBD oil because he started spraying excessively and I watched him going in and out of the litter box at least 4 times in 20 mins.

    Turns out, he has crystals. He was prescribed medication and a special urinary food.

    Question: Do you think regular urinary food is just as good as the prescribed kind?

  15. I was all set to order your CBD but then discovered Canadians don't have access to it. Quite disappointed as I was planning on using it with several cats including 2 colony cats. One with chronic loose stools who is presently on a daily dose of prednisone, another colony cat who is FIV+ with chronic upper respiratory infection and an arthritic 19 yr old cat who also suffers from frequent UTI's. As you can see the need is great and if I can move toward CBD as opposed to drugs that would be preferable. Any chance your CBD will be available to Canadians any time soon? If not can you recommend an alternative? Thanks

  16. Thank you Dr. Andrew!❤
    That cleared up some questions about CBD oil for cats, but how long can it take for it be effective? Does it depend upon what you're treating your cat for or does it matter? Thanks again! Great video!

  17. Murray, you devil you! Lol! I shouldn't laugh, that hurts like hell. :-/ My oldest cat, Taj is 18 and suffers from end stage kidney disease. She loses her appetite often with frequent nausea/vomiting. I'm going to try this to see if it helps with her nausea and/or appetite. Thanks Dr. Jones! 🙂

  18. I discovered your channel recently. Your videos are a great source for pet owners. Thank you so much for all of the information and tips you share. I have three senior cats (two siblings who are 15 years old and a 9 years old). My 9 years old Mixed Persian is FIV positive and now developed Liver problems and pancreatitis. He is on Hepatic Royal Canin dry food and Trovet canned food. The vet prescribed Lysine for him too. I know you don't support feeding dry food, can you recommend some alternatives or best food for cats with these problems? Please make a video on how to look after an FIV cat.

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