Conditions met, marijuana wax charge dismissed for Perham woman – Detroit Lakes Tribune

DETROIT LAKES — Alysa Ruth Picker-Ralston, 20, of Perham has had a gross misdemeanor charge of fifth-degree controlled substance crime dismissed in Becker County District Court because she successfully met the conditions required by the court.

A felony charge of fifth-degree controlled substance crime was earlier dropped in a plea agreement.

According to court records, on Nov. 5, 2020, she was pulled over by a trooper for driving 75 mph in a 65 mph zone on Highway 10 in Becker County.

While speaking with Picker-Ralston, the trooper saw a marijuana dugout (a small carrying case that holds a one-hitter pipe and ground-up marijuana) under the radio in the center console. When asked for any other marijuana in the vehicle, Picker-Ralston handed over a case containing marijuana wax that weighed 16 grams.

The conditions laid down at sentencing included paying a $700 fine and $700 in court fees, serving 15 days on electronic home monitoring, and successfully completing supervised probation.

On April 6, Becker County District Judge Michael Fritz dismissed the charges and discharged her from probation without an adjudication of guilt.

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