Dangers Of High Potency Cannabis For Teens

Colorado, the first state to legalize recreational marijuana, took a big step last month when the Governor signed a law putting …


  1. Everyone who thinks pot isn’t addictive is in denial. Early stages of it as a society. Once things settle down and its legal everywhere on earth, people will start using low potency 1:1 strains, and a lot more people will use cbd. Just a matter of time.

  2. I'm scizophrenic and haven't smoked weed for years. And when I became scizophrenic I wasn't even smoking cannabis. One thing I have had was a lot of brain trauma which I feel have more contributed to being scizophrenic than cannabis has. I've used cannabis and other psychoactive drugs after scizophrenia and I would say for me it was therapeutic though I would have to mention try to be respectful of the drug you take. Also just because it's therapeutic for me I don't expect the same scenario for everyone else, just like how some people do better on a pure meat or pure plant based diet; everyone is made up differently.

  3. High potency Marijuana messed me up for years. I hope one day I can go back to how I was. What these weed manufacturers are doing is criminal

  4. You can tell these kids were paid to lie plus kids aren’t able to purchase cannabis just like they aren’t allowed to purchase alcohol. Cannabis is here just like alcohol no matter if it’s legal or illegal.

  5. On Snapchat the boy said he was using Benadryl WITH using concentrates….yet on this YOUTube piece it says just weed. We don’t know if this couple has used black market concentrates…the better question is what’s going on with this kids psyche that he had to heavily medicate a combo of Benadryl and concentrates….

  6. This is nothing like i've experienced. I live in oregon and consumed all this. I'm a union employee and my attendance is so good i have 558 hours of sick leave built up. It's all about your normal behavior. I'm a very active person and naturally lazy people consuming weed give it a bad name.

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