Democrats blunt about marijuana legalization | News

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. (WLFI) — Political candidates stopped in West Lafayette as they push for marijuana legalization in Indiana and the United States.

Fresh Thyme City Market was one stop on their statewide “Cannabis Tour.” Previous attempts to legalize marijuana for medicinal or recreational use flamed out at the state and federal level.

However, Democratic U.S. Sen. candidate Tom McDermott, D-In  and State Rep. Chris Campbell, say the public is fired up about the issue, and lawmakers should be, too.

McDermott, longtime mayor of Hammond, made the news recently with a political ad he released Wednesday. It was also April 20th, or 4-20, a popular stoner holiday.

McDermott puffs and passes a joint in the ad, which purports to be filmed in pot-friendly Illinois only a mile from the state line. He said Indiana is losing economic potential as surrounding states legalize. Now, he’s on a four-day, seven-stop tour calling on elected leaders to support recreational cannabis.

“I know plenty of Republicans that also smoke marijuana, and this is an important issue to them. I’m telling you, I don’t think it’s the most important issue but this is an issue my campaign can gain traction on, absolutely, and I’m not shying from it at all,” McDermott said.

Rep. Chris Campbell and Indiana NORML President Jason Straw also spoke at this morning’s event. Campbell blamed partisan politics for the fate of past legalization bills that stalled at the statehouse.

News 18 didn’t hear back from a spokesperson for U.S. Sen. Todd Young R-In. He’s McDermott’s opponent in the November general election.

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