Facts About Drugs You Didn't Know | WEED Explained By Neurologist Dr. Sid | The Ranveer Show 163

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  1. Before 44:58 i thought there's only one addict here but after that… ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…
    Well this proves how innocent your are it doesn't matter, everybody has dark secrets

    But but but situdious once stories are way more incredible

  2. Rock music was created by weed….dude we cannot imaging pink floyd without weed….i say hell yeah to weed….it should be legalized….

  3. Bro, in real sense you're doing great job. I can study you…. To be high in meditate way os awesome experience…. Feeling sad not yet experience but still will having anxious to start meditate soon. Thanks for everything.

  4. Weed is good just as much as sugar and caffeine.
    ive smoked for 12 years non stop . All North American strain imaginable.
    – It is just not a useful drug unless you have health ailments.

  5. Ayurveda, specifically Kerala Ayurveda is far evolved (it isn't evident and unexplainable "scientifically") and can cure mental health issues which modern medicine by itself cannot. There are some miracle formulations which work slowly but surely like Ayahuasca if one trusts the process.

  6. A message to all the parents watching : stop shouting don't do drugs!!! Try to explain why you shouldn't do drugs and if possible recommend this podcast to your children ๐Ÿ˜‡

  7. what if when we smoke weed and as Dr Sid you mentioned that neurons randomly talk to each other that why we feel high, so is their a way where you can possibly control the neurons where we are conscious about the surrounding and use the same energy

  8. Ranveer, i love you and admire you a lot.
    But i have always noticed and observed that you like promoting weed and other substances, you do say you are completely clean and the affects of the substance abuse.
    On the other end i see the indirect promotion
    Why? not the episodes should be high on life without substance abuse.
    Why? we are not saying completely no to substance abuse.
    Why? we don't talk about the real problems we face day to day and how to deal with it.

  9. hey bro..
    i just thinking and researching on internet about weed..my question is it less addictive than cigerette or you can get trapped to weed by using it for recreational and relaxation..
    or can i get the same high if i practice meditation.. i am muslim but ancient indian invention like meditation and ayurveda fascinated me alot..

  10. One of my classmate was using cannabis thinking it will help him in expanding his brain. So, he started taking it daily at night and slowly it started affecting his brain. After three four months, he started act like totally mad. He could not walk straight on road even if he was not on cannabis, he used to spend a lot time in completing simple tasks, like bathing, wearing clothes etc. He gone very bad at his studies and social interaction etc. After 7, 8 years, I got to know he left everything after school and now he is a teacher.

  11. if and only if you don't get addicted to things easily then you must try LSD once, every human gotta experience that 'soul perspective' which is impossible to explain in a sober state. I did it 10 ten ago, once, that's it, and that's all I needed

  12. please explore Terrance McKenna and Alexander Shulgin. If you like to know more about psychedelics Or the person who has stopped using and meditating on a daily basis. Today if you ask me to use any type of mind altering substance I will politely say no. Meditation is the tool which takes one beyond time and space. Go on any railway track or on abondoned building or graveyard or woods to get real interview. That's where our folks are experimenting and sadly few are caught up.

  13. This is super. My prespective, I have chronic foot pain, and have tried everything. I recently got my medical marijuana license(I live in NY), and it's been helping so much. My pain is much more tolerable.

  14. bro pure bullshit, that light spot thing is crap, u realy need to speak to someone knowledgeable about psychedelics… …your guest only has knowledge he gained from his text books, no real hand experience nor he had read any trip experiences, most things he said are bullshit or mis directed, seratonin is happy a chemical thats released by our brain,u proably need me on the show for a kickass psychedelic discussion ……ha ha ha

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